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<dthompson>greetings squaremo! thanks again for the hoot MR, sorry it didn't result in something mergable (this time)
<dthompson>here to help with any other itches you find that need scratchin'
<e-snail>FYI (the first hit I got for ocapn on ddg) is redirecting to but that seems unintentional
<dthompson>e-snail: yeah we need to fix it. I have a patch pending review to fix our nginx config.
<dthompson>thanks for letting us know, though. someone else happened to report it recently as well
<squaremo>dthompson: thank you and no worries. I'm experimenting with compiling to WasmGC and Hoot is the first toolchain I found that supports it well enough to help. And of course, Hoot is itself a real world example of compiling to WasmGC. If I can learn more by filling in gaps, fetching water, etc., then all the better for everyone.
<dthompson>squaremo: oh cool! you're the first person I've heard of that came to hoot for the toolchain. awesome!
<dthompson>as you can see it's early days but I'm glad you're finding it useful
<dthompson>squaremo: what language are you compiling? a well-known one or something custom?
<squaremo>dthompson: Scheme, as it happens -- I know it pretty well, it's a good point of departure for making ones own pet language, and I have code from Lisp in Small Pieces lying around.
<dthompson>squaremo: awesome :)