IRC channel logs


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<pukkamustard>dthompson: some more i18n'ed haunt'ing: . was also reaped from the Guix site at some point...
<dthompson>pukkamustard: oh awesome, thank you for the link!
<Zarutian_iPad>sneek, botsnack.
<dckc>so is _this_ where the action is?
<dckc>struggling to grok ...
<dckc>i wish scheme used a module system where it's statically evident which references go with which imported modules
<dckc>cwebber, do you know what you're going to hack on at today?
<dpk>ACTION wonders if ‘die feine englische Art’ is supposed to refer to the English or angelic style …
<dpk>err, wrong channel on the last message. (this will probably happen a lot as #scheme and #spritely are right next to one another in my channel list)
<jfred>dckc: Yeah, that's something I also don't like about Guile's module system. You can use #:prefix when importing modules, but it's optional and usually not done
<sneek>Zarutian_iPad: wb!
<cwebber>dckc: there will be a Hack & Craft today yes!
<cwebber>btw you may wish to /join #fossandcrafts for that :)
<cwebber>but yeah