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<Zarutian_iPad>so, on AI stuff. I mentioned Electro Pets here (not actually existant at this point) and I have been thinking a bit <Zarutian_iPad>using leaky integrators (from subsumption model of robotics control theory) married to Artificial Neuroal Network, like say an perceptron (think of the handwritten numericals classification task, and you know what I mean) as one of the building blocks of emgydala whose emotive/emoji output feeds other subsumption-arch behaviours implementing <Zarutian_iPad>(might be intresting re fructure and other such structrual input methods for code, like the SNES joypad "highscore name codewheel" esque 'tab'-autocomplete for word finding in Forth systems) <sneek>Welcome back Zarutian_iPad!! <e-snail>are the goblins docs available as a single page/PDF anywhere? <e-snail>page-per-node HTML is tre frustrating to scan thru <randy__>Check the website Pete, there are many formats available.