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<jfred>I re-read Rainbows End recently and... that must have been written with capability systems thoroughly in mind, right? Some of the user interfaces feel too close to be a coincidence
<randy__>Vernor knows this work pretty well. Invited Cool and I to post in his republish anthology for Try
<randy__>True Names
<randy__>(posting from hospital recovery room in mobile. Yes. I'm fine.)
<randy__>He also named us "Tomorrow Makers" a long time ago. Let me find that citation.
<randy__>Fjermedal, Grant (1995). The Tomorrow Makers: NetGuide. January, p. 56.
<mala>hah! this is the second time someone mentioned Rainbows End to me in the last 24 hours
<cwebber>jfred: the word "capability" is actually used once, but iirc only once, in the book
<cwebber>and yes that's the impression I got
<cwebber>Rainbows End is what you get if you have an ocap-safe OS that's fully integrated with your life BUT the underlying TCB is pwn'ed by a state actor
<cwebber>and the copyright cartel loops its way in to the bottom layers
<cwebber>I guess Fuschia isn't in a good place right now. But in some ways, that's kind of what I was expecting the outcome of that project to be.
<jfred>Yeah. And I noticed at least once there was something to the effect of "I handed over a limited enum to contact them" - which sounds a lot like a capability to me
<jfred>I always felt conflicted about Fuchsia for basically that reason
<jfred>On one hand, technically very cool... on the other hand, it felt like Google's way of avoiding Linux/the GPL and thus source code disclosure requirements
<cwebber>yeah there's a lot there to unpack
<cwebber>anyway gotta shut down my laptop for now, ttyl
<cwebber>eventually I'll use a bouncer or something ;)
<wobuffet>dthompson: o/
<dthompson>hey wobuffet!!
<dthompson>nice nickname :)
<dthompson>spritely's developer relations manager is in the house! the irc house.
<jackhill>wooo! 🎉 I can feel the momentum picking up!