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<jfred>Musing: the capability for your user profile in a social system is like a True Name, and capabilities in general are like words of power
<mala>Is Hoot able to evaluate new Guile scheme forms in the browser (as opposed to someone writing a mini-scheme interpreter in it)? If not, is that something that is planned?
<dthompson>mala: not currently because hoot is still early in development, but that is a goal.
<dthompson>a metacircular evaluator (mini interpreter) will be possible in the next hoot release
<dthompson>hosting the compiler inside wasm is a ways off
<mala>great! oh, btw the version of Chrome that has the gc turned on by default shipped today!
<mala>(if you weren't already aware, which I suspect you were :) )
<dthompson>mala: I actually *didn't* know that Chrome 119 hit stable! I was looking at firefox's release schedule earlier today, but not chrome's. thanks!
<dthompson>that's one browser down, 2 more to go.
<dthompson>firefox 120 will have wasm gc, but it won't be until firefox 121 that wasm tail calls will be enabled by default
<dthompson>my understanding is that by mid-december firefox stable will have what we need
<dthompson>safari/webkit is a little further behind. not sure what their ship date will be.
<jackhill>looks to me like there are a few features to go for wasm in webkit. Is there a better tracker than that
<jfred>Lamenting the fact that so much of my devops-y day job involves ACL wrangling
<Zarutian_iPad>jfred: do tell!
<jfred>Oh, just working with Consul and Vault right now, both of which are heavily ACL-based
<Zarutian_iPad>sneek, botsnack.