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<sneek>Yey! Zarutian_iPad is back!! <cwebber>Zarutian_iPad: things are always busy :) the org is making lots of good progress though! <Zarutian_iPad>we realy need to get an ?agreement/consensus/co-understanding? on minimal ocapn <Zarutian_iPad>(the que-quoted is attempt to translate sammála from icelandic) <cwebber>Zarutian_iPad: I'm not sure what you mean. is this a conversation for #ocapn though? <Zarutian_iPad>naah, just me kvetching on my preception on the lack of progress in that, which is partly my fault. <cwebber>Zarutian_iPad: I think the implementation guide tsyesika and I are currently working on will help a lot. <cwebber>it breaks up implementing OCapN into several independent steps.