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<Zarutian_iPad>so, what have folks been working on goblins or ocaps related?
<Zarutian_iPad>sneek, botsnack.
<sneek>Zarutian_iPad: Greetings!!
<garbados>flatwhatson: thanks for the tip!
<garbados>how do goblins objects persist across restarts? like if i make a sealer on one machine, and then i restart that computer, how can i resurrect that sealer? is it with the nonce registry?
<garbados>repeating a query...
<garbados>how do goblins objects persist across restarts? like if i make a sealer on one machine, and then i restart that computer, how can i resurrect that sealer? is it with the nonce registry?
<Zarutian_iPad>garbados: we havent gotten the persitance layer written yet afaict@mo
<Zarutian_iPad>ACTION digs out a reference to the jhu-paper
<Zarutian_iPad> is meant to implement the jhu-paper in spirit
<garbados>alright, thanks. so something like a sealer cannot at present be persisted
<garbados>another question: if i spawn a sealer triplet, and i give the unsealer to another person, must my machine which spawned the sealer be online for the unsealer to work?