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<Zarutian_iPad>h'lo, I am just musing meself on stuff related to brain in a vat pun of yours <cwebber>I didn't come up with the brain in a vat pun <cwebber>unless you mean the one in the Brainy talk <Zarutian_iPad>ACTION notes that the generative agents memory subsystem could be substrated on a redis server with redis search with vector support <Zarutian_iPad>ACTION also notes that open source, w&b too, model can be used instead of costly, lobotomized, and laggy chatgpt <Zarutian_iPad>ACTION notes that the path finding is rather primitive per say. Could be off loaded to the game server using diffussion techniques from Anti Objects paper <Zarutian_iPad>addition to that kind of pathfinding: it can be hierchical. That is if the game world is split up into rooms or snells (term from DeltaTao) then the tiles of that snell only needs to keep track of smells of the exits and stuff in the snell rather than stuff in the whole world <Zarutian_iPad>and in an agents "mental" model the graph of snells the smells of particular other snells can premeate through that graph.