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<tsyesika>zenhack well that's just the syrup encoding for guile, which is documented here, but there are a few "special" types I need to add to the CapTP spec which I had forgotten about in my first pass which are here (e.g. void, keyword argument type, etc.)
<RandyFarmer[m]><jfred> "When you say the browser isn't..." <- Yes. For many applications/network structures a web browser is overkill. At EC or platform could be run "headless" (aka no local ui/render) and feel more like a classicalb server/service.
<RandyFarmer[m]>* Yes. For many applications/network structures a web browser is overkill. At EC or platform could be run "headless" (aka no local ui/render) and feel more like a classical server/service.
<jfred>RandyFarmer[m]: Oh yeah that makes sense, I was more wondering if you were going to have native UIs too or if you envision the UIs will be mostly web-based
<jfred>Definitely makes sense to have headless "server" support as well
<RandyFarmer[m]>There will be many UIs, we hope, as people pickup the capability framework (ocapn) and create all kinds of apps. How many reference implementations the Institute creates are a matter of funding...
<RandyFarmer[m]>Hard to predict exactly what order things will come in. For example, web browser agency has been accelerated by a year because of the MetaMask grant.
<sneek>Yey! Zarutian_iPad is back!!
<jfred>Makes sense