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<Zarutian_iPad>sneek, botsnack.
<sneek>Zarutian_iPad: wb!!
<mossfet>Heya, total Guile newbie trying to get started with The Heart of Spritely and follow along with the Wisp examples
<mossfet>I'm not really sure how to do dependency management. How do I actually make the spawn-vat, etc, functions available in the Wisp REPL?
<juliana[m]>use-modules : goblins
<juliana[m]>at the REPL
<mossfet>oh sick
<juliana[m]>did that get you what you needed?
<mossfet>yeah i think so
<mossfet>with the taste-of-goblins.w file it has me create, how should i load that?
<mossfet>hi vv
<juliana[m]>great question my computer crashed so i can't test that rn but i think it's guile -L ./ --language=wisp then at ths repl you can use-modules : taste-of-goblins (assuming that's the module name which i don't remember for sure)
<vvvvmvr[m]>howdy there
<juliana[m]>Conventionally a given Guile file's name is the last token in the use-module... term? (Making up language here) so if you have a module that's imported like use-module : some cool module it would be on disk at /path/to/some/cool/module.scm
<juliana[m]>And then you'd declare that like define-module : some cool module (to stick with wisp anyway)
<juliana[m]>^ that would go at the top of the file
<juliana[m]>(more or less)
<juliana[m]>(there are things like shebang lines and load forms that don't matter very often)
<mossfet>it's failing at compiling with the command you provided, juliana.
<mossfet>i'm getting unknown location: source expression failed to match any pattern in form define-module
<juliana[m]>Okay lemme look at this properly lol
<juliana[m]>firstly the argument i was think of was -l taste-of-goblins.w but given the error you got you figured that out
<juliana[m]>ah, okay, so because this is wisp the actual syntax used for the define-module form in the whitepaper is incorrect
<juliana[m]>ike a
<mossfet>oh i see
<mossfet>(also i used -L, using -l gives a different error. is that what you meant)
<mossfet>(also i used -L, using -l gives a different error. is that what you meant?)
<mossfet>oop, no correction it seems in irc
<juliana[m]>it expands to... (full message at <>)
<juliana[m]>yes, i did mean what you said :3
<juliana[m]>use-module* in that second code block
<mossfet>i see
<mossfet>how should i correct?
<juliana[m]>i do not know wisp well enough to tell you, unfortunately
<juliana[m]>however, if you work through the paper in a repl session, you shouldn't actually need that file
<juliana[m]>(another option is to just use traditional Guile but if you're new to Guile and Scheme then that might add undue cognitive overhead)
<juliana[m]>traditional Guile syntax*
<mossfet>i'll figure it out tomorrow, i'm sleepy now