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<Zarutian_iPad>the promise pipelining questions of fr33domlover has gotten me mind the frame of mind of these kind of issues
<Zarutian_iPad>one issue I have talked with cwebber and others is the non-explictness of the async/await syntax of js which is glaringly explicit with the .then() sausages that were before aforesaid async/await syntax was adopted
<Zarutian_iPad>that syntax counteracts what I find desirable behaviour/practics of programmers
<Zarutian_iPad>that behaviour I been half-assed in promoting
<Zarutian_iPad>why? twofold, it enables as much promise pipelining as possible without obscuring what the goal of the code is and gets the code to be more explict via dataflow in the assumptions the programmer made whilist writing said code
<Zarutian_iPad>if a programmer can see that an assumption is not needed then the code can run in various cases/scenarios/circumstances that might have violated that assumption
<Ryuno-KiAndrJaen><Zarutian_iPad> "one issue I have talked with..." <- Well, back in the days there were several approaches (incompatible to each other) about „Thennables“
<Ryuno-KiAndrJaen>Only later Promise became part of the language
<Ryuno-KiAndrJaen>Selling point for RxJS is more explicit pipelines, multiple invocations and the ability to return/resolve more than one value
<Ryuno-KiAndrJaen>Async/await was introduced to combat the Pyramid of Doom.
<Ryuno-KiAndrJaen>Bad experience with callback hell.