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<jfred>civodul: This is the sort of thing I was thinking about re: webassembly on Hurd on the fediverse a while back. Feels like it could be a boon to software compatibility with alternative OSes <civodul>jfred: it's a bit... convoluted, no? :-) <civodul>but yeah, that's an interesting use case <jfred>Convoluted perhaps, but if it makes non-Linux OSes more practical to use that sounds appealing 😅 <jfred>Especially a capability-based OS <civodul>though you still end up emulating POSIX-style ambient authority <jfred>True. Though webassembly runtimes seem to have some special sauce that sandboxes running programs and only passes them references to preopened directories. Suppose that probably doesn't apply to compiled WASM programs a la w2c2 <jfred>That said... I wonder if you necessarily *have* to emulate POSIX-style ambient authority if the host is a capability system. The program is already expecting to be isolated if you're using WASI (e.g. it has `path_open()` which takes a dir file descriptor rather than `open()`) <jfred>I suppose you do to the extent that C programs expect to be able to `open()` things but a program written more directly with WASI in mind might not need all that? <jfred>I need to read up some more about WASM though haha