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<Zarutian_iPad>ACTION just realized something about and .love file is both are just a zip file and expect certain files in the root of the archive
<Zarutian_iPad>which means (with love.js maybe) that same file can be used if one puts it together in such a way
<Zarutian_iPad>that it contains both main.lua, conf.lua, and index.html
<fr33domlover>Are Spritely/Goblins actors tied to a network location? And is there a plan/vision/intention for having them not be tied to location?
<fr33domlover>By location I mean actors switching between machines/domains/IPs but remaining being themselves and with the same private key that identifies them
<fr33domlover>ACTION is implementing an actor system and wanting to align the vision! Imagining a system where each location/server has a directory matching public keys to locations, and all method invocations go through that system to determine actor's network location, and there's a system where actors can atomically move from machine A to machine B iff
<fr33domlover>ACTION there's mutual consent, and then broadcast a location update to let the network know
<dthompson>fr33domlover: actors are addressed by their identity, not their location, so they are not tied to any specific location.
<dthompson>or rather, *machines* are addressed by their identity
<dthompson>a reference to a specific actor could provide a hint as to where the machine could be found.
<fr33domlover>dthompson: Are those identities represented as public keys? Or just long random strings/numbers? And does an actor reference contain (internally?) both the actor's identity and a (hint for) location?
<dthompson>fr33domlover: the references I'm familiar with in goblins use public keys.
<dthompson>the amount of information that a reference needs to be useful depends on the communication medium. for example, goblins currently only supports talking over tor hidden services. a .onion address is both the identity *and* the location, so no further hint is necessary to access the service.
<dthompson>let's say there was a reference that relied on dns, though. that would require a hint so the peer knows what hostname to resolve to find the machine.
<Zarutian_iPad>that is assuming a connection oriented captp like E has but not on connection-less like Waterken has
<Zarutian_iPad>but pretty much the same issue of getting the messages destined for actors to them
<dthompson>just speaking from what I know about how goblins currently works
<dthompson>things are very much in flux but right now our shareable actor references are URIs in this form: ocapn://identity.protocol/s/actor-id?hint1=val1&hint2=val2&...
<dthompson>the hint stuff is actually new and not in the main branch.
<dthompson>I am *not* a lead on the captp implementation, so this is just what I've learned through osmosis. :)
<Zarutian_iPad>I can probably talk your ears off regarding captp stuff
<dthompson>I don't know anyone else's captp-like system. only goblins.
<fr33domlover>Interesting. In the Tor case, the network part happens entirely outside the actor system, on a lower layer. I wonder if TCP/HTTP/DNS based communication with support for transparent relocation could/should be implemented the same way, or would it be better on *top* rather than below the actor system (because them relocation could be controlled
<fr33domlover>using actor methods; Tor doesn't need that because its anonimization/routing/etc. logic is self-contained)
<fr33domlover>s/because them/because then
<dthompson>in goblins we call the different communication mediums "netlayers". captp works over any properly implemented netlayer. right now we have an onion netlayer, but we are also working on a more basic netlayer that just uses tcp sockets.
<isd>It occurs to me: I don't think there's any fundamental difficulty in turning the way promise resolution works into a generalized redirect mechanism, that you could invoke (1) after having handled some methods, and (2) for multiple hops
<isd>There is one wrinkle, which is that it is sometimes useful to know when a promise is "done" resolving, which would be a bit murky if you can resolve it more at any time.