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<RandyFarmer[m]><Zarutian_iPad> "Randy Farmer: re https://..." <- The blog post announcing the debugger is ASCII, and I included the full text are the end. I'm calling that done. <civodul>dthompson: wo0t! congrats everyone! 🎉 <dthompson>civodul: thanks! still early days but pretty cool so far! <civodul>i was browsing the manual and everything looks so lean and clean <civodul>re debugger, how much of the interactions and past state is kept? <dthompson>civodul: it's customizable. we store data in a ring buffer and we picked an arbitrary default of 256 "events" <dthompson>the ring buffer can be resized during a vat's lifetime, too. <dthompson>our history tracking is not yet optimal. future work there to golf down the size of the data we store. <dthompson>but it's not too bad if your vat doesn't have a ton of actors <dthompson>as we dogfood more we'll see what makes things fall apart :) <dthompson>of course to really dogfood this thing properly we'll need to add network support. we'll be starting on that problem real soon. <civodul>do you currently assume that vats are on the same machine? <dthompson>civodul: yes that's the current limitation for "phase 1" of the debugger <dthompson>there's some prior art for debugging over the network that we'll be looking at. <civodul>oh that's a limitation of the debugger <dthompson>ohhh sorry I misunderstood the context of your question <civodul>or does the whole history tracking feature lack network support? <civodul>trying to make sure i got it right :-) <dthompson>the history tracking is per vat, so you can't query the past state of a remote actor. <dthompson>what's interesting is that the notion of a "vat" is not encoded in CapTP, the network protocol <dthompson>which is good, because it means interoperability is easier. a system need not subscribe to the vat model to participate. <dthompson>but it certainly poses an interesting question for network debugging. :) <dthompson>I have a lot of research to do, but maybe there will end up being an actor that is a proxy to a remote vat that can be used to retrieve debug data. we'll see :) <Gnuxie>why do spritely folk not buy into ocap all the way down though and it's just game that having a secure environment doesn't include the implementation itself