IRC channel logs


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<RandyFarmer[m]>Christine was going to put in on Peertube - I think that just fell behind other high priority tasks. :-)
<juliana[m]>was checking the guix blog and noticed this post references the Scheme Primer. neat!
<Zarutian_iPad>ACTION tries máttarkassi as translation for powerbox
<Zarutian_iPad>ACTION mutters neibb ekki sama hljóðstuðlun
<Zarutian_iPad>ACTION tries kyngikassi. Nær því hljómar eins og hjálpartæki sem nef, háls og eyrna læknir ávísar á.
<Zarutian_iPad>ACTION adds: þarf líka að útskýra hvað er átt við með kyngi eins og í fjöl-kyngi.
<Zarutian_iPad>ACTION tries aflaskja en það hljómar eins og tengjaboxin sem rafvirkjar setja upp.
<Zarutian_iPad>but I like it for how phonetically short it is and absurd
<Zarutian_iPad>and etyminology note for the curious askja is a word for (among other things) a gemstone or jewelery or precious (person-relative not absolute) keeping container
<Zarutian_iPad>often ornately carwed in its own right
<Zarutian_iPad>RandyFarmer[m]: re is there asciinema available too? Something to keeping in mind as it makes the terminal in the video copy pastable
<Zarutian_iPad>re community stuff: been thinking of combining with invite trees and the lessons learned in
<Zarutian_iPad>what is the idea in nutshell ya ask? Well variable power invites.
<Zarutian_iPad>meaning that you could invite someone you are not that sure about and only giv’em as much ?flow power? as you think they could abuse with as apropos damage
<Zarutian_iPad>and ?flow-power? migt not be singular-axis but diffrentiation on labels etc or whatnot
<Zarutian_iPad>sneek, botsnack.