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<Zarutian_iPad>use unicode furigana support to write lojban attitudinal event contours above an utterance to convey the emotion of it
<fr33domlover>Web apps often use stuff like a PostgreSQL database to store all data. With the move to an actor architecture, I imagine it makes more sense for each actor to have its own persistent storage, that supports crash recovery and format/schema migration. What's Spritely doing so far? Storing the syrup serialization and rewriting it as needed upon
<fr33domlover>successful transaction? I especially wonder about complicated actors where non-trivial data queries may be needed. Considering using per-actor SQLite db for that. Thoughts/insights/vision about per-actor disk persistence?
<Zarutian_iPad>ACTION sees
<Zarutian_iPad>ACTION notes: Generative Agents, memory stream, tie in with baser instincts subsystem based on elctropet (subsumption architecture): let retrived memobjs influence emotion buckets. In the other direction: force retrival of memobj upon condition of combination of float switches met.