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<flatwhatson>dthompson: does ,vat-graph draw the image in a geiser repl? you just need a wrapper record whose record-type-printer is (format port "<Image: ~a>" path-to-image-file) and geiser displays it
<flatwhatson>very cool stuff by the way :)
<RandyFarmer[m]>It's saving a file and using geiser to show it in the repl as you suspect.
<RandyFarmer[m]>If you do the same thing without geiser the string with the file name is displayed.
<RandyFarmer[m]>[I did that the first time I played with this.]
<flatwhatson>ah, nice!
<dthompson>flatwhatson: yup, as RandyFarmer[m] confirmed. you don't even need a wrapper record, technically. we are just printing out a string in the format that Geiser looks for.
<dthompson>so in a regular terminal it will just show up as #<Image: /tmp/goblins-repl-images/blah.png>
<dthompson>thanks to guile-picture-language by rekado for showing us all how to do it
<flatwhatson>+1 to that, thanks rekado! i borrowed this technique recently for guile-openai to generate images with dall-e and show them in the repl
<flatwhatson>so is this example going to evolve into a proper MUD? :)
<dthompson>flatwhatson: I think cwebber sure would like that ;)
<RandyFarmer[m]>It's all open source, flatwhatson: hint hint
<RandyFarmer[m]>Seriously, we will feature early (experimental) app developers on our site...
<flatwhatson>i will need to declare TODO bankruptcy :D
<Zarutian_iPad>well folks I need ideas to wikisalt for citogenesis purposes
<Zarutian_iPad>any takers?
<Zarutian_iPad>For instance I am thinking about making an edit saying that Speed Punk Polka Metal orginated in a German musicology department due to a drunken dare involving mescalated absinth
<Zarutian_iPad>cwebber: h’lo. Ya still listening to what was it called Thrashing Washing Machine Metal?
<cwebber>Zarutian_iPad: I can't remember ever listening to such things
<cwebber>but it embarassingly sounds like the kind of thing I would listen to yes :P
<cwebber>I do listen to a lot of vaporwave ;P
<Zarutian_iPad>oh, I do listen to that too
<Zarutian_iPad>now I have to ginny up some Thrashing Washing Machine Metal