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<ekaitz>you post stuff in hn? that's a bad job actually :) <cwebber>obviously I submit to HN because I LOVE reading HN comments <dthompson>couldn't have done it without the help of cwebber <ekaitz>cwebber: has also some hn vibes recently <ekaitz>Zarutian_iPad: I had some comments in some of my blog posts that were... a little bit disturbing <ekaitz>Zarutian_iPad: maybe it's just me that is not used to the usual crap <ekaitz>I am a very lucky person in my loneliness :) <ekaitz>and becoming kinda famous in some contexts awarded me with more people to deal with <ekaitz>which has good things (like being here between friends) but also :) <Zarutian_iPad>one thing I try to do with neighsayers is to either bore them to tears or just ignore them