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<Zarutian_iPad>you know, these things need to be retrained semi regularly otherwise lingustic drift will pass them by
<Zarutian_iPad>now that 4chan knows then expect more bullshit corpus to be generated
<EWEW>no you're edging dangerously close to questions i have
<EWEW>does it need to be retrained or is there a procedure to automatically translate from old language to new language? if not (likely in my opinion) then where is the new meaning coming from in the new language?
<EWEW>or more specifically how is new, sometimes disjoint?, meaning created
<EWEW>what is that process
<EWEW>or flip it around, is everything in new language expressible without loss of meaning in old language?
<Zarutian_iPad>from what corpus do you translate that old2new translator?
<EWEW>I think it's a requirement that you need knowledge of the corpus of both languages to make the translator
<EWEW>like full knowledge
<EWEW>but also not, because if that's the case
<Zarutian_iPad>well you could rejigger the semantic embeddings though
<EWEW>then you needed knowledge of the new language
<EWEW>to arrive at it
<EWEW>rejigger is such a good word.
<Zarutian_iPad>replevin is another
<EWEW>never heard that one before but now it's part of my oldlanguage+
<Zarutian_iPad>look it up
<EWEW>I was explainin my confusion (as a kid) of these street signs in the U.S. to a foreign friend today
<EWEW>"ped xing"
<EWEW>(already looked it up of course:))
<EWEW>but i'd read it as "ped zing" and wondered why signs were written in a foreign language
<Zarutian_iPad>well, a ped must zing over the road or be caught betwixt vechiles and acused of jay walking
<Zarutian_iPad>the question is if it is blue or yellow jay walking
<EWEW>what's the difference?
<EWEW>not too many yellow birds around here
<Zarutian_iPad>the latter involves widdling while the former coppering
<Zarutian_iPad>s/coppering/the fuzz/
<EWEW>a thought
<EWEW>i want non deterministic regex so i can spice up a document with multiple versions of a word or phrase
<Zarutian_iPad>ACTION comes up with “a wee widdler was widdling wee in places that should be without pee”
<EWEW>s/coppering/the fuzz,coppers,.../
<Zarutian_iPad>EWEW: a bit like ?
<Zarutian_iPad>ACTION hears the tabs floodgates open and swallow EWEW for a few hours or days.
<Zarutian_iPad>btw I been wondering how to get inknand zork/mud/mush/moo like object system to work together
<Zarutian_iPad>another idea is to use or such vocaloid to author/voice act. Your own choose your adventure radio-play/audio-book
<EWEW>My tab collection drives people to madness. I need to keep a high score board.
<EWEW>I actually intentionally cleaned out by tabs on my desktop a few days ago. the entire process took me well over an hour.
<EWEW>but to be fair i was also bookmarking things properly that i wanted to keep.
<EWEW>inspired by the discussion earlier and the Horton paper Zarutian linked. I started wondering about abusing sealer/unsealers to do a denial of service on some actor. digging into that now.
<EWEW>why yes, I would like to infinitely seal over and over for responsible reasons :)
<drakonis> at last.
<dthompson>hey civodul loved the hat tip to us goblins here
<Zarutian_iPad>ACTION is going through his 500- or so tabs and found