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<EWEW>cwebber: augmenting the design doc you posted. I'm finding wingo's blog and actual implementations in a good addition to wrap my head around his style of thinking.
<EWEW>related fun read:
<dthompson>wingo's blog is a treasure trove of great compiler stuff
<EWEW>it is, I have to peel myself away. I'm already too many articles deep.
<EWEW> i feel personally attacked by the first paragraph
<jfred>LATEL certainly looks like a practical language ;P
<pinoaffe>jfred: yup, I'm working on translating (part of) Wittgenstein's Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus into Latel :)
<cwebber>seconding dthompson. I once linked a friend to and they accused me of "wingorolling" them two hours of them rabbitholing them later
<cwebber>wingo: you've achieved *roll status and you may not have known
<EWEW>Let's just say it ate 8 hours of my day yesterday. I woke up today feeling like I have a hangover. I start to go through all of my browser tabs and I find myself reading through stuff like
<EWEW>definitely *roll status
<cwebber>being wingorolled is directly one of the key elements responsible for Spritely happening
<cwebber>that's how I learned about ocaps
<cwebber>which linked to
<EWEW>For me the next most recent re-entry into all of these inter-related problems was stumbling upon and spending too much time on it. All of a sudden I find myself buried in a pile of philosophy of language books.
<EWEW>"but what IS meaning?"
<EWEW>which of course gets even more complicated when multiple parties/entities are involved in "interpretation"