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<EWEW>I was making some small edits to the Goblins racket version documentation scribbles just now. And I just came across the most inconsequential difference between british and american english I've ever seen <EWEW>Acronyms in american english, periods for each letter for an acronym generally for less than 3 words. <EWEW>For example. eg (british) e.g.(american) <EWEW>St (british) St. (american) <EWEW>and then american english drops the periods for longer acronyms, common example is USSR not U.S.S.R. <Zarutian_iPad>this is not just a difference between british and american english <Zarutian_iPad>but also a diffrence between schools of thought and or generations of literature <juliana[m]>lon tenpo ni la mi toki ala e toki insi. ni li pona tawa mi. <juliana[m]>I am not patient enough to learn lojban. Maybe if/when I get ADHD treatment <EWEW>I'm "states side" and even though I'm diagnosed and can also get a prescription for treatment. It unfortunately doesn't mean it will be filled. sad state of affairs. <EWEW>My mechanism is to just do what i can when i can. I started learning some slavic languages years ago little by little that way. <EWEW>It's surprising how much can get done this way. <cwebber>juliana[m]: lol I'm entertained by you accidentally dropping toki pona randomly into the chat, haha <juliana[m]>i am a simple woman and therefore like simple things, like the simple language and scheme (the other simple language) <cwebber>juliana[m]: you will probably like the simplest parts of lojban too <cwebber>but there's too much to "learn" to become proficient for most people, including me :) <pinoaffe>is this the right time and place to advertise LATEL, the Logical And Transparent Experimental Language? <cwebber>is this a language designed to punish me, specifically <isd>The stumbling block for me w/ lojban was always finding people to speak it with, who I actually wanted to otherwise be talking to. <EWEW>if you take the krashen route, it's more about consuming lots of "interesting" input before needing to converse :) <EWEW>That lojban commmentary is wild. <ocdtrekkie>This is a whole thing I have never heard of before <isd>LATEL seems reminiscent of APL somehow. <isd>Also food being 50 letters seems a bit... concerning