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<vv[m]1>anyone here use evil mode?
<acenovo[m]>I've been thinking about it
<vv[m]1>I'm trying to figure out how to use Info-mode with evil mode properly. and no one seems to know
<vv[m]1>(can't use "n" to go to the next section)
<isd>If I ever cave and use emacs, I will end up doingg so.
<isd>But I have not yet.
<vv[m]1>I have been working on a blog post for introductory goblins. that goes over the rock paper scissors app
<vv[m]1>about 3/4 done
<flatwhatson>vv[m]1: yes i use evil heavily. the easiest way to get bindings for everything is evil-collection, which provides the following for info-mode:
<vv[m]1>hmm. I would think spacemacs would have this already
<vv[m]1>but will investigate
<vv[m]1>interesting. gj for info next
<flatwhatson>i can also recommend binding "o" to link-hint-open-link from avy, this is my main way to navigate links
<flatwhatson>you get links for up/top/next/prev so don't need to remember the bindings :)
<vv[m]1>how exactly do I actually do the binding? was trying before but it was not working well
<vv[m]1>really appreciate it! very helpful
<flatwhatson>sorry not familiar with how spacemacs does things. i guess there must be some examples somewhere of doing custom keybinds
<vv[m]1>what command would you normally use to bind with evil mode?
<flatwhatson>there are a bunch of key binding libraries for emacs, i use doom emacs which provides its own nice macros for doing bindings, but that won't help you with spacemacs. you should try in #emacs or somewhere for spacemacs support
<vv[m]1>I tried but got crickets sadly
<vv[m]1>though, maybe IRC is more active than matrix
<acenovo[m]>This is a bridge
<acenovo[m]>Oh, nevermind
<flatwhatson>vv[m]1: looks like it's already bound here:
<flatwhatson>there's also a section about binding keys in the manual:
<vv[m]1>Right, so I was looking at the docs there, and tried these commands, but the only one I could get working was spacemacs/set-leader-keys-for-major-mode - but that meant that I had to type , n instead of just n
<mfiano>Oops, I forgot to set this channel to auto join. Thanks for the logs to see what I missed!
<drakonis>when's the surprise "we also hired william byrd" news?
<Zarutian_iPad>h’lo folks
<Zarutian_iPad>sneek, botsnack
<Zarutian_iPad>so, one long lived idea that needs mulling on is the transmission of behaviour between vats
<Zarutian_iPad>this allows for more complex and smarter unas
<Zarutian_iPad>but if the expressiveness of the behaviour specification is to high we end up with Turing complete things that might not be what we want
<Zarutian_iPad>having studied and mulled on CapTP for who knows long now I was inspired to meta-ize a part of the protocol
<Zarutian_iPad>so, CapTP carries eventual sends betwixt vats
<Zarutian_iPad>basically a series of op:deliver and op:deliver-only messages
<Zarutian_iPad>I thought, why not make a quasi-literal array of such, stuff that in a closure that puts the args it is given into the apropos holes?
<Zarutian_iPad>give it an environ too.
<Zarutian_iPad>so what I ended up with is a constructor function that takes aforesaid array and an environ map and returns a closure function
<Zarutian_iPad>not being particularly gifted with naming I call such seqBlocks, which is short for sequence blocks which means it is the conceptual child of Scheme sequences and SmallTalk80/Squeak blocks
<Zarutian_iPad>how is seqBlock executed? by iterating over the array, filling in the holes with apropos things, and eventual sending to each target specified in each such array element
<Zarutian_iPad>just like how CapTP would have done when ever it recieved op:deliver ir op:deliver messages
<Zarutian_iPad>s/ ir / or /
<Zarutian_iPad>this way there is no way an seqBlock can stop the event loop progressing though the event queue might often get loads of eventual send events queued at once but that can happen anyway
<sneek>Yey! Zarutian_iPad is back
<Zarutian_iPad>sneek, botsnack.
<sneek>Welcome back Zarutian_iPad :)
<vv[m]1>So what's this "selfish actor" pattern, anyway?
<Zarutian_iPad>sneek, botsnack