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<flatwhatson>sneek: later tell Zarutian_iPad what about sticking with latin, something like "una pura" (disclaimer: my latin education is google translate) <mfiano>I do too, though the author of the Unum article already did. <mfiano>I'm hoping one day we'll get real hardware support for the other Unum <flatwhatson>mfiano: you might have the order of who overloaded who backwards <flatwhatson>source claims "last modified on Saturday, October 03, 1998 04:19 PM" <flatwhatson>> Unums (universal numbers) are a family of formats and arithmetic, similar to floating point, proposed by John L. Gustafson in 2015. <mfiano>That is fair. I admit though, I have heard of the number representation many times, and didn't know what that one was until today :) <sneek>Yey! Zarutian_iPad is back :D <sneek>Welcome back Zarutian_iPad, you have 1 message! <sneek>Zarutian_iPad, flatwhatson says: what about sticking with latin, something like "una pura" (disclaimer: my latin education is google translate) <Zarutian_iPad>flatwhatson: and not have the opertunity to hit you with this? calcUNAtor! <Zarutian_iPad>lets say we are using the Croquet model but over udp but the inputs from each participant is timestamped <Zarutian_iPad>(timestamp by a local clock at each participant but synced nettime style) <drakonis>an actual project for goblins would be to implement a message queue project and or something transparent like erlang <Zarutian_iPad>we then use the rewind and rerun model of netcode. (Like how many beatem up or streetfighter) <drakonis>rollback netcode is very good to have though <drakonis>the problem is whether you could use this with games <Zarutian_iPad>this means that some interpolation of the outputs between last version and retconned version is required <drakonis>it is very popular in multiplayer fighting games <drakonis>largely because it minimizes latency issues <Zarutian_iPad>it could look a bit wonky sometimes. The retcon interpolation <drakonis>ggpo is the most common implementation if i remember correctly <Zarutian_iPad>but the interpolation only needs to happen on the output side of the CroquetVMs <Zarutian_iPad>btw a CroquetVM is basically where the game state and the (changeable) game rules live. <Zarutian_iPad>a CroquetVM deterministically runs the same way given the same state and inputs <Zarutian_iPad>so the problem of the above netcode idea reduces down to simulating with rollbacks!