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<dthompson>Zarutian_iPad: no this is just for local vats. baby steps.
<flatwhatson>very cool! entering a vat like entering a module
<flatwhatson>would be neat to then be able to do introspection on things like current actors, in-flight messages, traces/logs
<flatwhatson>oh right, future plans covered in that ticket :)
<drakonis>when are we making schemetalk?
<drakonis>right now?
<Zarutian_iPad>regarding one has to be carefull about what that stack object contains Confidential wise (Confidential from cryptography confidentiality, integrity, and availability)
<Zarutian_iPad>that is, you might be leaking information you did not want to leak
<dthompson>yeah, it's something to consider. those sorts of issues are for a later phase of development where we harden the underlying language implementation. I'm not doing it here but we could narrow the view of the stack to restrict what can be seen in the debugger.
<flatwhatson>something like (call-with-hidden-stack thunk) might be an option to protect sensitive calls
<flatwhatson>also wrapping unmentionable values in a way that can be detected by your stack builder
<dthompson>yeah that would be cool. good stuff to think about.
<Zarutian_iPad>flatwhatson: that is the way of hiding secrets. Think of it more like not generating metadata for your asversary
<Zarutian_iPad>could just stick the stack object into an vat local only sealed box though
<sneek>wb Zarutian_iPad :D
<flatwhatson>right, i'm thinking from my payments/banking background where leaking customer info to operators is v.bad
<flatwhatson>but it's not adversarial exactly. would an adversary get your stack trace anyway?
<Zarutian_iPad>and I was thiniking of this from the perspective of trying to minimize data leakage lick those used by locksporters to pick the lock
<isd>See also, and the linked discussion about trace ids
<Zarutian_iPad>via captp op:listen on an eventual promise that gets smashed/rejected/#failed by something
<dthompson>for now, we leave the current process environment out of our scope of work. we'll get there eventually. :)
<isd>The idea being that when an exception crosses a CapTP boundary, you don't include the stack trace, but you can generate a randomized trace id, log the stack trace somewhere, and return the trace id to the caller. This way the caller doesn't have access to your part of the stack trace, but if the debugger has the necessary authority, it can aggregate log entries to reconstruct the full stack trace across multiple vats
<Zarutian_iPad>isd: basically what Causeway is meant to eventually do?
<isd>Most of the actual discussion about trace ids is in, mixed with a bunch of other discussion
<isd>I'm not familiar with Causeway, but it's mentioned several times in that thread so I assume yes.
<Zarutian_iPad>ACTION watches as his web browser sprouts more tabs
<drakonis>so, when are we getting a spritely powered slime?
<jfred>Oh that's so cool! More convenient than even the bootstrap helpers
<drakonis>oh yes.
<cwebber>speaking of causeway
<cwebber>dthompson is starting research into thinking about our version of a distributed debugger (causeway inspired, but we're thinking of some other things too), codename "questie"
<drakonis>very nice.
<dthompson>yes indeed.
<cwebber>same name as on the page's "monster manual" set of creatures
<cwebber>and largely the same idea
<cwebber>but it'll probably be part of guile-goblins core
<cwebber>as will Aurie, which was a separate library in racket-goblins
<cwebber>sometime after 0.9.0 is out we'll want to record a new video for the goblins page
<cwebber>,enter-vat changes the game of understandability so much
<drakonis>a distributed debugger you say?
<drakonis>will it judiciously steal from cl's debugging experience?
<cwebber>it would be nice for us to steal from CL's debugging, but that's more making the baseline guile debugger better
<dthompson>the distributed debugger is more about capturing events and information such as when those events occurred and providing tools to sift through that data to identify the source of bugs.
<cwebber>yeah, if you've never seen it
<cwebber> is a good place to start
<cwebber>there's a screencast on there
<cwebber>and more recently
<cwebber>but dthompson is not being restricted to just those ideas, and we *hope* that the actormap snapshot/restore can make our distributed debugging infrastructure very poserful :)
<cwebber>not poserful
<dthompson>no posers allowed
<civodul>re distributed debugging, hop ( was/is able to display cross-stage backtraces: a backtrace where you see both client code (Scheme compiled to JS running the browser) and server code
<civodul>i found that pretty neat
<dthompson>civodul: thanks for the pointer. another place to look for inspiration.
<cwebber>neat civodul
<Zarutian_iPad>sneek, botsnack
<sneek>Welcome back Zarutian_iPad