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<Zarutian_iPad>ACTION is getting atracted to CBOR more and more as the lowest level serialization format
<Zarutian_iPad>now I am thinking of how to adapt it to Agoric's body/slot seperation
<Zarutian_iPad>CBOR as it already has utf-8 strings, byte arrays, lists, maps, and such natively
<Zarutian_iPad>not to mention the nice additions in the IANA tag registry like bigints, bigfloats (both base 2 and base 10), datum typed arrays (think js TypedArrays), rationals, uuids, rfc3999 kind of timestamps, durations, periodics, and probably more
<Zarutian_iPad>not that an ocapn cbor implementation needs to implement those but it helps to offload this kind of more complex datum stuff decisions out of ocapn and onto the IANA registry in question