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<sneek>ZhaoM, you have 1 message!
<sneek>ZhaoM, youpi says: I mean put prints to see how the code flows, which functions gets called when : observe printfs output instead of gdb breakpoints. That will avoid the various issues with breakpoints, and provide inter-executable mixing easily by having the output on the same terminal
<sneek>Welcome back paulz, you have 1 message!
<sneek>paulz, gnucode says: The Hurd works well on an T60. Of course debian GNU Hurd will work better than guix will on the Hurd
<paulz>Sorry too much, but the mobile phone, disconnected
<paulz>And only now i seen your message sneek, i was in the car with Priscilla and Nicole
<paulz>Anyway, thank you very much for your support *sneek
<paulz>I am searching to realize "CES, Customized Ethical Solutions that for me is much important!
<paulz>Best Regards, Paul