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<damo22>youpi: i dont have it booted to check, it may be
<Gooberpatrol66>Ribby: arch hurd is unmaintained
<damo22>youpi: the packages i built for gcc-6 seem to be uninstallable due to missing dependencies but they mostly work with dpkg -i --force-depends
<damo22>but then the system is broken
<damo22>no the ecj.jar seems missing
<damo22>i think that is what ecj package is for
<damo22>* f7fda9d Stopping building ecj, which is now made from eclipse-jdt-core
<damo22>maybe we should look at the latter package?
<youpi>damo22: which version are you installing?
<youpi>use at least version -2
<youpi>+hurd.2 I mean
<youpi>and +hurd.3 has the addition of ecj1
<damo22>i was installing ecj debian/3.11.1-2 because that was the last one where -gcj packages were not removed
<youpi>you don't need ecj
<youpi>it's built by gcc-6
<damo22>i branched off gcc-6-debian branch
<damo22>for gcc
<damo22>* 7996f9bb (HEAD -> hurd-gcc-6-debian-gcj, zam/hurd-gcc-6-debian-gcj) HACK to compile gcc-6 on GNU/Hurd to provide gcj
<damo22>* 415d8a21 (origin/gcc-6-debian, gcc-6-debian) * Don't configure native builds with --with-sysroot. Apparently this cannot be completely overridden with the command line option --sysroot.
<damo22>gcc-6.5.0-2 is the last tag
<damo22>i dont see any +hurd tags
<youpi>I don't have commit access to debian's gcc tree
<youpi>it's uploaded to unreleased
<damo22>wow you built it alread
<youpi>+hurd.3 will show up there within an hour or so
<damo22>$ dpkg -S ecj.jar
<damo22>libecj-java: /usr/share/java/eclipse-ecj.jar
<damo22>libecj-java: /usr/share/java/ecj.jar
<damo22>with your packages
<youpi>$ dpkg -S ecj.jar
<youpi>libecj-java: /usr/share/java/eclipse-ecj.jar
<youpi>libecj-java: /usr/share/java/ecj.jar
<youpi>gcj-6: /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-gcj-6-hurd-amd64/lib/ecj.jar
<damo22>but the ecj1 script is missing as you said
<youpi>with +hurd.3
<damo22>hmm gij-6 is also missing with+hurd.2
<youpi>$ gij-6
<youpi>Usage: gij [OPTION] ... CLASS [ARGS] ...
<youpi>apparently fine with hurd.3
<damo22>ok thanks
<damo22>with hurd.3 we should be able to bootstrap openjdk8 i guess
<youpi>I have put the +hurd.3 packages on
<youpi>there are also some defaul-jdk/jre packages in unreleased
<damo22>are they sources for openjdk?
<youpi>you can grab some from
<damo22> might be useful
<damo22>it has rules to build with gcj
<damo22>$ gcj-6 -c
<damo22>Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.batch.GCCMain
<damo22> at
<damo22>Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.batch.GCCMain not found in gnu.gcj.runtime.SystemClassLoader{urls=[file:/usr/share/java/eclipse-ecj.jar], parent=gnu.gcj.runtime.ExtensionClassLoader{urls=[], parent=null}}
<damo22>i think is supposed to be a symlink to a different library?
<damo22>i think they renamed the main class in ecj?
<damo22>the ecj jar does not have the right version of Main class
<damo22>libecj-java: /usr/share/java/eclipse-ecj.jar this file seems not compiled using gcj-6
<damo22>there is a maintainers version of the jar on ftp.gnu.rg
<damo22>there is a script in contrib/download_ecj for gcc-6
<damo22> actually
<lockywolf_>How is x86_64 support in Hurd?
<ZhaoM>I don't know much about it, some main contributors are not here due to timezone
<ZhaoM>I believe you will get a reply after a few hours
<ZhaoM>lockywolf_: and you can see some entries about 64bit support in the TODO list
<damo22>Ribby: as someone else pointed out, arch hurd is unmaintained. You would be better off with latest debian hurd netinst CD image
<Ribby>I think you're right.
<Ribby>Just a question, does Arch Hurd include enough offline dependencies for a DE?
<Ribby>Like, xfce DE dependencies on the installation media device?
<Ribby>Either way, I know enough to port the dependencies from external device. It's just a matter of time and effort to compile them.
<damo22>ive never used Arch Hurd
<damo22>what hardware are you installing this on?
<Ribby>Dell Dimension 4500S, it will be slow going.
<damo22>start with the debian netinst image
<Ribby>Will the debian netinst be enough for a console session? There is no online connection at the moment. Maybe after installation or when the wifi usb adapter comes around.
<damo22>hurd does not have wifi
<damo22>or usb
<damo22>installation is tricky with no network
<Ribby>As long it installs a OS, the dependencies can come post-installation.
<Ribby>All I have to do is to configure the source list to include a offline source.
<Ribby>Once I collected enough OS repository packages onto a (acceptable) offline device, things are going.
<youpi>damo22: you can get an older version of libecj-java from
<youpi>3.11.0-1 will probably fit
<youpi>damo22: also check out jkoenig's work detailed on the wiki in ./user/jkoenig/java.mdwn and ./user/jkoenig/java/*