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<damo22>youpi: gcj-6 seems to need ecj1 but its missing
<damo22>i tried building ecj on tag debian/3.11.1-2 but the compilation errors
<damo22>its missing openjdk headers or something
<ZhaoM>it seems there are conflicts while including both 'libtrivfs' and 'libmachdev'
<ZhaoM>darnassus is down :)
<Ribby>Is Debian GNU/Hurd libre enough?
<youpi>depends what you call "libre"
<youpi>some people don't consider GPL as "libre"
<Ribby>Why is that?
<youpi>because people have differing opinions
<youpi>they consider that imposing that the software remains under a GPL licence is not real freedom
<Ribby>Ah, the counter-argument.
<Ribby>I consider them as the opportunistic proprietors. They probably would do better in playing Monopoly.
<Ribby>That's called proprietor rights/deeds.
<youpi>there are those indeed, but not only
<youpi>do you really think that the people writing OpenBSD etc. are opportunistic proprietors ?
<Ribby>If you ask anti-GPL about the 'freedom' to impose property licenses over free and public works, they would as a monarch would. It would be an affront to infringe upon constitutional rights.
<youpi>that's a very opiniated view
<youpi>I have discussed with people who are completely not on that kind of thinking
<Ribby>If the argument turns towards constitutional rights, it would be debate over speech, press, assembly, and more.
<Ribby>OpenBSD developers as opportunistic proprietors would need intention and motive behind the acts.
<Ribby>Such as, they decided at the last moment, be it a good reason or bad, to withhold the source code.
<Ribby>It's like ordering Richard Stallman or Linus Torvalds to do with their own software. A lot of power politics/games.
<Ribby>Besides, the anti-GPL could just make their own software. What is to stop them from development? Would be fair game.
<youpi>you're being self-contradicting
<Ribby>As long as it's libre, it's the libre thought that counts.
<youpi>again, that depends what you call "libre"
<youpi>your liberty stops where other people's liberty starts
<Ribby>If we redefine libre as what Richard Stallman wants to do with his software, then it is/was his property right to do so.
<youpi>you don't to really want an answer to your original question
<Ribby>And other people's liberty stops when your individual liberty start.
<Ribby>We would then transcend to natural, not social/societal laws/rights.
<youpi>did you really come for a question or just to expose your opinions?
<Ribby>Is the Debian GNU/Hurd more libre than its Debian Linux counterpart?
<youpi>depends if you consider the linux kernel libre
<youpi>the rest is essentially the same set of packages
<Ribby>So Hurd kernel is like Linux kernel now? Not Linux-libre kernel?
<youpi>if you just stick on licensing questions, the hurd servers are gpl2+ rather than gpl2-only
<kilobug>legally, I would say it depends if you install the non-free firmware or not, if you don't, they are "equally libre"; what the Hurd adds in terms of freedom is more control and flexibility for the users
<youpi>if you are questioning on different criteria, you need to explicit them for use to be able to answer
<youpi>in terms of liberty for the user, the hurd is vastly more open indeed
<youpi>see the faq
<kilobug>in the GNU philosophy freedom is not only a legal / licensing issue, but empowering the users with more flexible and modular architectures is also part of it
<Ribby>It's technically, at start, Debian GNU/Linux versus Debian GNU/Hurd.
<Ribby>I was planning to buy a Debian GNU/Hurd (32-bit) DVD, but somehow, it's not available? There are freeBSD DVDs, but I am a bit more familiar with Debian.
<youpi>why buying it?
<youpi>you can download & burn one for free
<Ribby>I don't want to buy a stack of blank DVDs (OS is 5GBs, my broken DVDs are 4.2GBs), they eventually render unusable. Maybe I should take better care of them?
<Ribby>Cost of x>4GBs DVD stack is over $20 ~ $30 dollars.
<Ribby>I'm just going to ask Debian or Hurd.
<Ribby>You know what? Debian is kind of large for 5GBs. Maybe I will make do with Arch Hurd.
<Ribby>Then another arises, is Arch Hurd more libre than Arch Linux?
<Ribby>Then another question arises, is Arch Hurd more libre than Arch Linux?
<Ribby>Still, the DVD search remains, even if I am on a limbo between GNU/Linux(-libre) and GNU/Hurd choices.
<youpi>damo22: apparently gcc-6 was missing installing ecj1 in the gcj package, I have copied the rules from the snapshot case, probably that will be enough
<youpi>(ecj1 does get build)
<damo22>i didnt understand Ribbys opinions
<damo22>not to worry
<damo22>why bother with a dvd if netinst suffices
<damo22>youpi: i think it also requires ecj.jar
<damo22>if the ecj1 script calls gij with the jar file
<youpi>isn't it there?