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<ZhaoM>youpi: yeah it works with the terminal returned by tty! <youpi>so does vim itself use RDONLY or WRONLY ? <ZhaoM>hope I didn't misunderstand the code <ZhaoM>so I tried to get run rpctrace with ./vim, I can't believe on that small testing program :/ <ZhaoM>rpctrace -o temp_log ./vim --clean <ZhaoM>although it hangs at the end with: task64(pid1275)->gsync_wait (44243924 0 0 0 0) <Pellescours>sneek: later tell ZhaoM yes there is a dead lock with rpctrace and gsync_wait, solid_black can probably tell you more about it <zamfofex>Hello, Hurd! What does /dev/vda (from Linux) correspond to on the Hurd? <almuhs>hi. Do you know if it's posible to develop a Hurd's translator in Rust? <almuhs>i'm exploring possible topics to make my PhD about that, and write a translator in Rust to solve a TODO could be a good idea <Pellescours>almuhs: I would say yes you just need to use the C library (with bindings) or reimplement their functionnalities in rust (to be able to talk with RPCs) <almuhs>Pellescours: It's like recreate the "API" in rust, it's not? <anatoly>for rust, we either need bindings for higher level abstractions such as trivfs, netfs, etc or a lower level implementation using RPC with another level of abstraction on top of it. <anatoly>I guess rust is not different to other langs in the "hurd bindings" land <anatoly>As far as I remember lisp bindings went low level RPC path and other languages wrapped higher level hurd abstractions <anatoly>It feels (I'm not expert in rust) that the RPC path is more suitable for rust as it reduces the area of "un-safe" code rust needs to interact with <almuhs>where can I find the translator's C library docs? <almuhs>it's a experiment, a innovation issue