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<GladFan>Hello, I have installed Debian Hurd on my machine. Wahoo!
<GladFan>ZhaoM: Thanks, I can access the machine through ssh. I am still trying to set up my keyboard which was partially working in the debian hurd livecd.
<ZhaoM>happy hacking
<azert>I’m reading about pagers and tmpfs. Would it be possible to make tmpfs use a different pager then the default one?
<azert>The reason I ask this is that swap seems to be limited to 2gb on Hurd and 64gb on Linux
<azert>While I think that one may want a tmpfs that is bigger than ram
<gnucode>Well I updated my 32-bit hurd today.
<sneek>gnucode, you have 1 message!
<sneek>gnucode, ZhaoM says: thanks for the suggestion, it seems vim has a similar plugin called any-jump. Maybe they should all be covered in the wiki, because I think it can make the hurd development environment more friendly to new contributors
<gnucode>I seem to have some more bugs. :)
<gnucode>Alt + Right Arrow in the console used to switch consoles
<gnucode>tty1, tty2 etc.
<gnucode>That does not seem to be working at the moment.
<gnucode>I believe that I had configured the dvorak layout to work on the console, and now it is back to qwerty...
<gnucode>I also can't seem to start X
<gnucode>When I login to the console as my regular user the prompt string is weird.
<gnucode>It used to say
<gnucode>joshua@dobby $
<gnucode>Now it says something like
<gnucode>2354? $
<gnucode>also I tried starting emacs in the console....
<gnucode>Emacs starts, but was unusable very quickly. I got garbage on the screen. I was able to successfully quit emacs via C-x C-c
<gnucode>So basically at the moment, my T43 is stuck on console mode with no X. I bet vim probably works, but I have not tested that.
<gnucode>hmmmm tty used to say "dev/tty1"
<gnucode>no it say /dev/console
<gnucode>maybe I am using the Mach console and not the Hurd console?
<gnucode> hmmm /etc/default/hurd-console has ENABLE=true
<gnucode>sneek later tell paulz The Hurd works well on an T60. Of course debian GNU Hurd will work better than guix will on the Hurd
<youpi>gnucode: all these symptoms are because of not using the hurd console, yes
<youpi>sneek: later tell ZhaoM I don't really understand your discussions. vim has integrated function-jumping support: :ta
<gnucode>youpi: I will try to start it manually then. Thanks!
<gnucode>hmmm I could not manually start the Hurd console
<gnucode> # console -d vga -d pc_mouse --repeat=mouse -d pc_kbd --repeat=kbd -d generic_speaker -c /dev/vcs
<gnucode>It said something about vga not working.
<youpi>"something" is not precise enough as a bug report
<gnucode>give me a second...I will give you a second.
<gnucode>console: Starting driver vga failed: invalid argument
<gnucode>sorry. No idea what I meant by "I will give you a second."
<gnucode>I'm working, and answering phone calls at the same time as chatting.
<gnucode>first I tried running:
<gnucode> $ sudo console -d vga -d pc_mouse --repeat=mouse -d pc_kbd --repeat=kbd -d generic_speaker -c /dev/vcs
<gnucode>I got this error:
<gnucode>console: Starting driver vga failed: invalid argument
<gnucode>then I ran
<gnucode>$ sudo console -d pc_mouse --repeat=mouse -d pc_kbd --repeat=kbd -d generic_speaker -c /dev/vcs
<gnucode>and my Hurd machines seems to be stuck? The Hurd console does not seem to be loading
<youpi>you do want the vga driver, otherwise you won't be able to see anything :)
<youpi>it is loaded, just not displaying anything
<gnucode>well that stinks!
<youpi>you asked for it by dropping the vga driver :)
<gnucode>hahaha! C-alt-del brought me back to the mach console
<youpi>I'd say run this through gdb:
<youpi>gdb --args console -d vga -d pc_mouse --repeat=mouse -d pc_kbd --repeat=kbd -d generic_speaker -c /dev/vcs
<youpi>put a breakpoint on vga_display_start, and go through it step by step to see where it stops with EINVAL
<gnucode>I will give that a try in a few thanks!
<gnu_srs>Good news: I managed to build libdrm again followed by a successful build of mesa _with all the same options as on GNU/Linux_. Only 2/104 tests fail :)
<gnucode>gnu_srs: that's awesome news!
<gnu_srs>gnucode: Tks!
<gnucode>sudo gdb --args console -d vga ...
<gnucode>b vga_display_start
<gnucode>vga_display_start is not defined as a funtion.
<gnucode>I probably need to download the debugging files for console...
<youpi>that's the hurd-dbgsym package
<gnucode>apparently I already had hurd-dbgsym already installed.
<youpi>ah but it's a symbol in a dynamically-loaded module, so it's expected that it's not available initially, no problem
<youpi>gdb will catch the module loading and find it there
<gnu_srs>And youpi doesn't care about mesa/libdrm :(
<youpi>I don't have time to care for everything
<gnucode>what makes you think he doesn't care?
<gnucode>I don't know how useful this is....
<gnucode>sudo gdb --args console -d vga ...
<gnucode>b vga_display_start
<gnucode>with a lot of step and next
<gnucode>I see this a lot:
<gnucode>../../console-client/driver.c: NUMBER
<youpi>you can "apt source hurd" to get the source
<gnucode>warning: NUMBER ../../console-client/console.c: no such file for directory
<gnucode>I see numbers 55, 661, 654, and 725 is the last
<gnucode>I do have the source code locally...oh
<gnucode>you are suggesting that I run
<gnucode>sudo gdb --args ./path/to/console -d vga ...
<gnucode>let me try that
<youpi>I mean you want to first run apt source hurd
<youpi>to get the source code
<youpi>so that gdb can show you the source code lines
<gnucode>I bet the main problem here is that I do not really know how to use gdb well. I am still not seeing the source code lines. I will take lunch and try to watch a youtube tutorial. See what happens.
<youpi>probably you just need to "cd" to a directory from which the ".../../console-client/console.c" makes sense
<gnucode>I believe that I "cd"ed to the right directory.
<gnucode>if I type in "next" a lot, then I get to the error pretty quickly.
<gnucode>the last line that I can get to is:
<gnucode>../../console-client/console.c 723
<gnucode>fs_help_touch (&dir->nn_stat, TOUCH_ATIME, console_maptime);
<gnucode>I can step into that function, and I get some weird errors
<gnucode>or seemingly errors
<gnucode>../sysdeps/mach/hurd/htl/pt-mutex-lock.c 30 : no such file or directory
<youpi>that's inside libc
<youpi>you don't need to step into that
<youpi>don't use next from main
<youpi>put the breakpoint on vga_display_start
<youpi>and it'll end up in there when it does
<gnucode>anyway my gdb seems to be stuck now. C-c doesn't need to be unlocking it.
<gnucode>and I did type in "b vga_display_start"
<youpi>if you step into a critical section, the application won't answer to gdb debugging requests
<gnucode>then I think I did "run" or "start"
<gnucode>gotcha. I think I may have to hard shutoff...
<youpi>run or start?
<youpi>that makes a lot of difference
<gnucode>I know...I can't actually see what I typed in, because the screen doesn't show it anymore.
<gnucode>I used both "run" then "start"
<gnucode>or maybe the other way around
<youpi>start puts a breakpoint main
<gnucode>one showed C code and showed the program execution
<youpi>you don't want that, or else you want to use continue to get to the breakponit inside the vga driver
<gnucode>man. I really need to learn some gdb stuff.
<gnucode>It does not appear the gdb is tripping up on that breakpoint.
<gnucode>sudo gdb --args console -d vga ...
<gnucode>b vga_display_start
<gnucode> " /usr/bin/console: Starting driver vga failed: Invalid argument
<gnucode>warning: illegal rpc: do_mach_notify_send_once
<gnucode>( New bogus thread id 0 )
<gnucode>Cat fetch registers from thread bogus thead id 0
<gnucode>can't fetch registers from thread bogus thread id 0
<youpi>ah, it doesn't manage to catch vga_display_start apparently
<gnucode>It seems to be the case. :(
<youpi>you can probably break on driver_start instead
<youpi>just make sure not to step inside the mutex_lock function
<youpi>just step inside the ->start call
<gnucode>i will try
<gnucode>ok. ../../console-client/driver.c
<gnucode>I stepped in line 254 if (driver_list[i].ops->start)
<gnucode>then I got to line 263
<gnucode>return err
<gnucode>return err;
<gnucode>p err
<gnucode>$2 = EINVAL;
<gnucode>I don't know how helpful that is...
<youpi>it's not on the if line that you want to step
<youpi>but on the ->start call
<gnucode>let me try again. I thought I had it, because I saw a variable that had EINVAL. I appreciate you holding my hand through all of this, but if you have better stuff to do, it's totally find to ignore me. :)
<gnucode>well I have to run soon. I will try to investigate some other time.
<gnucode>thanks for all the help
<gnu_srs>youpi: You could have said congrats. Not: (17:11:04) youpi: I don't have time to care for everything
<gnu_srs>It is called social behaviour. Maybe you re not interested in the patches. Then I'll keep them for myself :(
<youpi>I don't have time to backlog everything, yes
<gnu_srs>Go back to your cave and stay there :)
<gnu_srs>I was not a backlog, and you know it!
<youpi>never mind
<youpi>really, I don't have time
<youpi>my inbox is *full* of stuff to deal with
<gnu_srs>youpi: Fix building mesa. Contributing or not?
<youpi>that's useful to do, sure
<youpi>and thanks for doing it
<youpi>just do not expect me to always notice stuff happening on irc, I just cannot backlog everything
<gnu_srs>Its as easy as congrats, nothing else :)
<gnu_srs>In the middle of a conversation.
<azert>gnu_srs: congrats!
<azert>I wonder if you plan to submit
<gnu_srs>Howdy. I've managed to upgrade my Hurd image to current sid. And now I would like to create some images for amd64. Any good ideas?
<azert>Which kind of ideas?
<gnu_srs>azert: Yes, these changes will be supplied both upstream and to Debian.
<azert>Can you get the mesa software renderer to run?
<gnu_srs>azert: I could start with an image already containing usrmerge, and would like to know how to get rid of it.
<azert>Ah, Im not a Debian expert
<azert>Isn’t usrmerge just copying some files around?
<gnu_srs>azert: I've not tried mesa software rendering yet, working on patching xserver-xorg-video-vmware
<gnu_srs>azert: No, usrmerge create symlinks of /bin, /sbin, /lib, etc to /usr :(
<azert>gnu_srs: ok but effectively that results in moving the file in /usr to / merging them together
<azert>I known someone got pissed off by that since it interferes with their way of doing things
<youpi>gnu_srs: debootstrap or mmdebstrap should be able to produce an image