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<sneek>ZhaoM_, you have 1 message!
<sneek>ZhaoM_, gnucode says: if all you want is "go to definition" the emacs package "dump-jump" is a pretty easy way to get that.
<ZhaoM>sneek later tell gnucode thanks for the suggestion, it seems vim has a similar plugin called any-jump. Maybe they should all be covered in the wiki, because I think it can make the hurd development environment more friendly to new contributors
<ZhaoM>sneek: botsnack
<sneek>ZhaoM: wb :)
<ZhaoM>hi I'm reading the critique, I'm quite confused about 'fsys object'
<ZhaoM>does it refer to struct trivfs_control?
<ZhaoM>what's the use of it?
<gnu_srs>Hi. Which package provides /usr/include/stdbool.h? libstdc++-14-dev has one but at /usr/include/c++/14/tr1/stdbool.h
<ZhaoM>gnu_srs: I suspects there is not package containing /usr/include/stdbool.h
<gnu_srs>Some packages expects to find <stdbool.h>
<ZhaoM>llvm project provides a stdbool.h /usr/lib/llvm-19/lib/clang/19/include/stdbool.h
<ZhaoM>Are you using gcc?
<ZhaoM>if so, I think stdbool.h is part of gcc instead of part of c library
<gnu_srs>And it should be a c99 feature.
<ZhaoM>stdbool.h is part of libgcc-14-dev
<gnu_srs>Yes but not at /usr/include: dpkg -L libgcc-14-dev | grep stdbool.h; /usr/lib/gcc/i686-gnu/14/include/stdbool.h
<ZhaoM>this may be helpful
<gnu_srs>Thanks: gcc searches for stdbool.h gcc -v shows: /usr/lib/gcc/i686-gnu/14/include among include paths.
<gnu_srs>The tool failing to find stdbool.h is /usr/bin/bindgen
<paulz>Good evening at all
<paulz>Which more recent motherboard, cpu, hdd, ram, svga, cd-rom/dvd, mouse, is possible to use with the free software operating system "Gnu/Hurd"?
<paulz>Good evening at all, Best Regards, Paolo Del Bene