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<ZhaoM>morning I'm thinking about if we should have a wiki page introducing how to setup a development environment with LSP <ZhaoM>so new contributers can easily start navigating the codes with the 'go to definition' function provided by the LSP <ZhaoM>especially in the current situation we don't up-to-date wiki pages <ZhaoM>being able to set up a small development environment in the Hurd virtual machine I think can ease that issue <ZhaoM>I just setup the environment with vim-lsp and compiledb, it seems nice <ZhaoM>Gooberpatrol66: thanks for the support :) <gnu_srs>Is it harmful to define _IOC_NR() in <mach/i386/ioccom.h> or somewhere else as in /usr/include/asm-generic/ioctl.h? <gnucode>sneek later tell ZhaoM if all you want is "go to definition" the emacs package "dump-jump" is a pretty easy way to get that. <gnucode>sneek: later tell cwolf to download the irc logs from the hurd wiki. That's a great way to start learning about the Hurd. <gnucode>sneek later tell cwolf do you know how to use "sneek" ? Our little bot? If you want to talk to someone who is not in the irc channel, then you can just say "sneek later tell 'IrcUsername' your message". <gnucode>sneek: later tell cwolf do you know how to use "sneek" ? Our little bot? If you want to talk to someone who is not in the irc channel, then you can just say "sneek later tell 'IrcUsername' your message".