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<damo22>sneek: later tell almuhs yes, i have seen this error on all my intel thinkpads, but it is an improvement as before it did not probe the AHCI controller at all
<ZhaoM>morning, is down
<youpi>ZhaoM: I have updated the bootstrap wiki page
<ZhaoM>youpi: just saw it. Thanks :)
<damo22>solid_black: hi
<sneek>Welcome back solid_black, you have 1 message!
<sneek>solid_black, youpi says: thinking about gnumach's out-of memory management, it used to be able to write out to swap by itself without userland interaction. This is not the case any more. Possibly that changes a few things
<solid_black>youpi: what do you mean write to swap without userland? paging out is always to a pager
<youpi>doesn't it have a default pager by itself?
<youpi>but still if it's the userland default pager, that has to use rumpdisk, which might have to allocate memory to be able to write out
<solid_black>the default pager is still a userland task, yes
<solid_black>and yes it might have to allocate
<solid_black>and there are 3 things we should do about it:
<solid_black>1. try to page things out more eagerly while we're not yet very low on memory; this is why I'm interested in making writing out dirty pages work better
<youpi>1. is good for optimization, but won't solve the problem of a fast writer
<solid_black>2. try to make the swap path avoid allocations (e.g. I can see it currently has to allocate when things are not page-aligned, so let's make sure that they are page-aligned in practice)
<solid_black>3. the vm_privilege thing, so rumpdisk etc can still allocate even when everyone else cannot
<youpi>avoiding allocation will not always be possible, but it should be possible to make sure it can allocate by keeping sure gnumach has a reserved pool
<youpi>(so 3.)
<youpi>fixing 1. and 2. risks just hiding the problem that 3. will solve
<youpi>and thus making it harder to make sure it's fixed
<youpi>so better start with 3.
<solid_black>neither is a full fix, these are all approaches to making the issue less severe and likely
<solid_black>so is OOM
<youpi>OOM is a different thing
<youpi>if the *working* set indeed cannot fit the memory, we'd have to kill
<youpi>but when it's just about writing out paged stuff, we should be able to just make it work
<youpi>by throttling writes, if needs be
<solid_black>writes are already naturally throttled by the Mach port queue limit, as I was saying
<youpi>(I mean io_write, not memory writes, which are quite harder to throttle)
<solid_black>or at least that should work, we need to fix it if it doesn't
<youpi>no, they are not
<youpi>because ext2fs process them and marks as "needs write"
<solid_black>I meant page writeback / pageout
<youpi>ok, but then ext2fs also needs to throttle at some point
<youpi>otherwise a fast writer will still be able to fill its memory
<youpi>concerning darnassus, the hosting has /var full, richard needs to fix it before we can restart it
<solid_black>what's up with darnassus, I'm not up to date?
<youpi>it's currently completely off and I can't fix it myself
<youpi>(it was a general message for everybody, not for the current discussion :) )
<solid_black>btw will there be / is there a similar x86_64-gnu server I could get an account on?
<damo22>im looking forward to having rumpnet working, i will be able to host a native hurd box on an AMD box
<youpi>there should be at some pont yes
<damo22>i used to have a vm running online
<damo22>but i was using it to test my changes to gnumach and i couldnt keep it online
<damo22>but when i have a network interface up with smp i can keep it online
<damo22>our current problem with smp + rumpdisk is that the disk devices fail to identify, something to do with multiple threads and interrupts
<damo22>its the problem almuhs reported, i have seen it on hardware
<youpi>darnassus is back
<damo22>youpi: (08:32:44 PM) damo22: our current problem with smp + rumpdisk is that the disk devices fail to identify, something to do with multiple threads and interrupts
<youpi>is rumpdisk really multithread?
<damo22>not sure
<damo22>it is configured to use RUMP_NCPU=1
<damo22>maybe i should try 2
<youpi>that cannot help
<youpi>on the contrary
<damo22>but i recall the default is 2 and it used to break then
<youpi>it'll make things way more complex to check
<damo22>it used to behave exactly like this when it was 2
<damo22>on UP
<damo22>when i added the param to make it 1, it worked on UP
<damo22>maybe we should turn off the multithreading on the port server?
<damo22>see if anything changes
<youpi>that can help with stability yes
<youpi>but that won't help with performance, because iirc currently we are blocking
<youpi>i.e. making it single-thread will make i/o completely synchronized, waiting for one to finish before starting the next one
<youpi>thus preventing all pipelining and aggregation possibilities
<damo22>i tried that it did not help boot the disk
<damo22>IDENTIFY failed
<youpi>but the interrupts are received in their own thread anyway, aren't they?
<youpi>so you'll have multithreading anyway
<youpi>but is rumpdisk actually running on several cores?
<youpi>or pinned like all others on just one
<youpi>ok so it's not really multithreading that would pose problem
<youpi>it's all sequential
<youpi>the disk irqs probably happen on core 0
<youpi>you can check that for a start
<youpi>and concerning identify, check what happens
<youpi>whether it's the content that is faulty, that it doesn't get the irq back, etc.
<youpi>it's useless to try and fail odd ways to make it work, there are so many of dumb things one could try
<youpi>better actually investigate what is actually happening
<damo22>i would like to gdb the driver and step through parts of it, but i need to attach root somehow without using the same controller
<youpi>you can just print
<youpi>people often shout "printf-debugging is hell", but I very much disaggree
<youpi>in low-level programming, managing to get gdb at the right point can take an awful lot of time, when a mere printf can give you the information you need quite quickly
<damo22>i cant believe we dont have printf in mach
<damo22>only print
<damo22>its so annoying too, i am tempted to implement that first
<damo22>mach_printf("value is %d\n", val);
<youpi>mach_print is intended to be something that you can essentially always call
<youpi>so no memory allocation etc.
<youpi>nobody contributed mach_printf yet, but it's a matter of somebody doing it
<youpi>I'm quite amazed how often I have to repeat this
<damo22>even if it allocates a static size of 500 bytes or something
<damo22>that would suffice for most usage
<youpi>I don't know if snprintf may not still allocate something?
<youpi>also, static allocation would not be thread-safe
<youpi>unless making it tls, but then you need tls to be working
<damo22>what about a macro that calls mach_print
<youpi>? that won't change the problems
<damo22>{ char wtf[500]; snprintf(wtf, 500, "value is %d", val); mach_print(wtf); }
<youpi>that'll be allocated on the stack
<youpi>you don't need a macro for that, it can be a mere function
<luckyluke>is there currently a way to bootstrap a system using tmpfs instead of ext2fs?
<luckyluke>i.e. unpacking a (compressed) tar in a tmpfs, which would then run proc/auth/startup, then mount the root partition and do something like pivot_root
<luckyluke>if not, I might have a look at it after I finish the xstate patch for glibc :)