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<damo22>there is no reason large language models need to be so big, i dont know why people are boiling the oceans just to train the biggest model
<homo>to make free software look good, as it is not so resource hungry
<damo22>Pellescours: ping, can we figure out the missing symbol for rumpusbdisk? then we could ask y oupi to merge the new rump
<gfleury>damo22: hi i have tested smp with flavio's script. 1) i build gnumach with --enable-ncpus=2 --disable-linux-groups 2) run qemu with -smp 2. For the first run it stuck at irq 10. Then i change to qemu -smp 3 it reboot constaly with is espected. I kill it and rerun with -smp 2 and this this it boot and i can access to
<gfleury>Internet i do ping it works
<gfleury>nproc gives 2
<damo22>i usually compile with --enable-cpus=8 so it can be run with any -smp up to 8
<damo22>there is still a race condition at boot i think with smp 2
<damo22>we need to fix pci, acpi, rumpdisk starting up
<damo22>i can take a look at this now
<gfleury>Will check with -smp 3 since my Host has 4 core
<damo22>you can use -smp 4 just dont stress it
<damo22>but you will need to recompile gnumach with more cpus
<gfleury>Yes i know
<Pellescours>damo22: pong, yes i need to reckmheck but it's a dma... function
<paulz>Hello at All
<paulz>I hope you had good holidays during this "Noël"
<Pellescours>damo22: maybe this commit can be usefull
<Pellescours>do we use wg drivers for network ? if yes I can re-update the rumpkernel. I no, we can keep the current update
<homo>wg is a wireguard vpn, it is not tied to any hardware
<gfleury>damo22: smp 2 work well when using qemu serial and console=com0
<gfleury>sneek later tell damo22: that smp 1 and 2 on console=com0. perhaps the race could be in VGA driver in device dir
<sneek>Got it.