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<damo22>i fixed SMP gnumach on my AMD
<damo22>patch coming shortly
<ZhaoM>damo22: congrat \o/
<damo22>now AHCI is still not working on my AMD, but thats a problem with rump not gnuamch
<ZhaoM>quite lucky my laptop is also AMD
<damo22>youpi: thanks for review, i am addressing the comments now, but i cannot locate documentation for correct mode of STARTUP IPI
<damo22>it boots on a x220
<damo22>but same issue with AHCI
<damo22>so smp is working on qemu, intel hw and amd hw
<damo22>i cant tell if acpi is failing or rumpdisk because the log prints too fast on real hw
<damo22>thats why i need serial console
<damo22>Pellescours: ping
<damo22>503 Backend is unhealthy [IP: 80]
<damo22>works now
<damo22>boot log from AMD fam16h with 2 cores
<damo22>i upgraded the system using unreleased and ports, but it seems not to have acpi changes?
<damo22>i dropped in gnumach from master
<damo22>"TODO: add interrupt handler for acpi"
<damo22>rumpdisk random init open failed
<damo22>[ 1.0800050] vendor 1022 product 7801 (SATA mass storage, AHCI 1.0, revision 0x40) at pci0 dev 17 function 0 not configured
<damo22>heres log with UP and newer acpi / rumpdisk
<damo22>solid_black: See above log
<damo22>irqhelp: cannot start this irq thread
<damo22>some race i think
<solid_black>where's the caller of irqhelp_server_loop?
<damo22>in my new pci-userspace changes
<damo22>note i am using my branch with rump 10.99.12
<damo22>thanks to Pellescours
<damo22>i think my version of rumpdisk expects acpi to be already ready to run
<damo22>but they are starting almost at the same time
<damo22>im not sure how to in general start up services in a sequence when the next one relies on the previous one being up
<damo22>what we have now is clumsy at best
<damo22>solid_black: i put in a 3 second delay into rumpdisk but it still fails even though it boots in the right sequence now
<azert>damo22: does netbsd boots on that machine?
<damo22>no idea
<Pellescours>damo22: pong
<damo22>Pellescours: something is failing in ahcisata_pci.c ahci_pci_match() we need to debug this
<damo22>even with rump 10.99.12
<youpi>damo22: ? acpi starts before rumpdisk and unleashes it only after setting up
<youpi>thanks to the next-task parameter
<damo22>well its not working that way
<damo22>i think rump_init() is called too early
<youpi>to early compared to what?
<damo22>somehow the acpi translator has not reached "PASS" before rump_init is called
<youpi>if some acpi initialization is too late, then move it up inside acpi
<damo22>so the end of acpi_init()
<youpi>it's called after machdev_trivfs_init so that would need shifting indeed
<youpi>in pci-arbtier too, probably
<youpi>that being said, all acpi & pci-arbiter need to have done is just to have allocated ports etc. to be able to receive messages
<youpi>they don't need to have initialized the rest, they'll answer the messages when they are ready
<damo22>perhaps this race is causing rumpdisk to fail overall even with a delay i added to debug
<youpi>if you have added a delay and it still fails, it's not due to a arce
<damo22>i havent added a delay to acpi
<damo22>maybe pci-arbiter and acpi have the same bug
<youpi>I don't mean a delay to acpi
<youpi>but a delay to rumpdisk to avoid initializing before acpi is done
<damo22>yeah i did that and it still fails
<youpi>so it's not a race
<youpi>and the bug is somewhere else
<damo22>what if acpi cannot talk to pci
<damo22>because pci is not ready
<youpi>ah, that, yes, possibly
<youpi>then put a delay there too for that other kind of race
<damo22>irqhelp: cannot start this irq thread
<damo22>random init open failed
<damo22>we see the same problem on qemu with -smp 2
<Pellescours>damo22: ok, I'll took at it
<gnu_srs>Hi, still no hurd-amd64 visible at:
<youpi>I've asked for it yesterday