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<ZhaoM>I'm now trying to figure out how to add something in util-linux <ZhaoM>but it seems it provides utility programs for many OS :/ <ZhaoM>The code from sys-utils/hwclock-rtc.c (read_hardware_clock_rtc, <ZhaoM>set_hardware_clock_rtc) can be moved out to another file, that a hurd <ZhaoM>version could use (you'd add a "HURD =" line along the LINUX and BSD <ZhaoM>ones in And you should then be able to play with <ZhaoM>hwclock to manipulate the RTC. <ZhaoM>I'm trying to understand how "be moved out" and "HURD =" work <damo22>292MB is a lot for a utility suite <damo22>ZhaoM: did you implement it as an ioctl? <ZhaoM>..from my point of view, what I implemented is both ioctl and RPC, not sure if I confuse it <ZhaoM>apply the v3 patch I just sent in the mail list <damo22>if it has the exact same api as linux, it should just work <damo22># define RTC_PARAM_GET _IOW('p', 0x13, struct rtc_param) <damo22># define RTC_PARAM_SET _IOW('p', 0x14, struct rtc_param) <ZhaoM>#define RTC_RD_TIME _IOR('p', 0x09, struct rtc_time) /* Read RTC time. */ <ZhaoM>#define RTC_SET_TIME _IOW('p', 0x0a, struct rtc_time) /* Set RTC time. */ <damo22>no mine is a different part of the api <ZhaoM>it should be find, I copied RTC_RD_TIME and RTC_SET_TIME from linux source code <damo22>you should look at /usr/include/linux/rtc.h on a linux system <ZhaoM>I realised that, but i think the other ioctls is less important so I haven't implemented them. I will do it later <damo22>or look at hwclock-rtc.c to see what is necessary to implement <damo22>$ grep ioctl hwclock-rtc.c |grep RTC_ |grep -vE 'warn|printf' <damo22>you may need to implement them as stubs that return 0 <damo22>but did you check that your structs are the same format <damo22>if theyre not exactly the same sized and layout as linux, then util-linux code will be confused <damo22>or you will need to rewrite the functions <ZhaoM>yeah i have confirmed i used the same format <youpi>it's not really a requirement to implement all the ioctls <youpi>the set I mentioned in my mail is enough to get essentially all that we really need <youpi>these functions can be put in a separate .c file <youpi>that both the linux build and the hurd build can use <youpi>the linux build would then also include the other functions, which provides a bit more support <youpi>while the hurd can be fine with what we already have <youpi>ZhaoM: : "HURD =" : see the file at line 130 <youpi>it's simply an os-specific meson condition <youpi>to build the tools differently on linux, bsd, and hurd <ZhaoM>youpi: is it something like #ifdef HURD ... #endif in source code? but it's used in meson <youpi>that's the same kind of idea, yes <youpi>at the whole-file compilation level <damo22>/usr/bin/ld: /usr/lib/gcc/i686-gnu/14/../../../librumpdev_pci_if_wm.a(if_wm.o): in function `wm_init_locked': <damo22>(.text+0x130f7): undefined reference to `rumpns_rss_getkey' <etno>AIUI, after we have a network driver which is compatible with shared IRQs, we will change the rumpdev PCI IRQ handler to ACK only when rump's driver returns 1. Is this correct? <damo22>i cant seem to figure out how to send a packet with rumpnet <damo22>there must be an example in the netbsd source tree <youpi>the general idea is to notify all drivers sharing the same irq, and just wait for all of them to have run their respective handler before acking the interrupt <etno>youpi: Ohh, ok ! I thought that one and only one had to ACK. <damo22>apparently i need to look at shmif and shmif_pcap <damo22>rump_shmif_create(const char *path, int *ifnum) <ZhaoM>hi any method to increase the ext2 file system size of my debian-hurd.img file? <ZhaoM>but I haven't found a way to increase the file system size <damo22>ZhaoM: you need to enlarge the partition size, and then run resize2fs i think <ZhaoM>damo22: in the virtual machine? It said I cannot run resize2fs on flight <damo22>but you cant do it on mounted root i think <ZhaoM>Filesystem at /dev/hd0s2 is mounted on /, and on-line resizing is not supported on this system. <ZhaoM>Do you mean unmount the root file system in the virtual machine? <damo22>can you shut it down and resize2fs in the host? <youpi>you neded to do it from outside, yes <ZhaoM>youpi: which command should I use? <ZhaoM>damo22: it seems resize2fs only accepts a /dev/ <youpi>you can use losetup to create one <Pellescours>ZhaoM: losetup /dev/loop0 disk.img; partprobe /dev/loop0; resize2fs /dev/loop0p2 <damo22> * A virtual ethernet interface which uses shared memory from a <damo22> * memory mapped file as the bus. <Pellescours>all need to be done with root privileges (sudo), assuming that your disk image and partition was already grown <youpi>damo22: that's not what you want, I believe <damo22> * Virtual interface. Uses hypercalls to shovel packets back <damo22> * and forth. The exact method for shoveling depends on the <ZhaoM>Pellescours: it works! Thank you <ZhaoM>damo22, youpi: thank you for your help guys! <youpi>damo22: since the logs say wm0, it'd be /dev/wm0 that you'd want to open inside rump <damo22>youpi: i cannot rump_sys_open(/dev/wm0) <youpi>ah but bsd doesn't expose ethernet interfaces in /dev <damo22>someone told me they usually use a RAW socket <youpi>that could probably work yes <azert>damo22: I think you need to use getsock or similar, I don’t remember the details <damo22>but is bpf the equivalent of the entire network stack on bsd? <youpi>it's just a way to filter what packets you want to receive <youpi>tcpdump uses it for instance <damo22>ok so i probe the device and it loads in the rump kernel, then i open a raw socket <youpi>and you can get inspiration from tcpdump to receive the packets <damo22> if ((socket_afnet = rump_sys_socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0)) == -1) <youpi>probably it essentially means uploading a catch-all bpf program into the kernel for the socket <youpi>you don't want an inet dgram socket <azert>sneek: later tell ZhaoM I don’t agree with calling the rtc translator rtc-cmos. Foremost your implementation is not anymore cmos specific than x86-pc specific. Furthermore, if anyone would implement any other rtc chip, he’d probably do that in the same binary <sneek>ZhaoM, azert says: I don’t agree with calling the rtc translator rtc-cmos. Foremost your implementation is not anymore cmos specific than x86-pc specific. Furthermore, if anyone would implement any other rtc chip, he’d probably do that in the same binary