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<azert>Hi all, I have a stupid question. How hard would it be for the Hurd to run Linux dynamically linked binaries? I mean: can a Linux binary linked to Hurd glibc and would this just work? <gnucode>azert...I am not a developer, but I think that would really NOT work. HOWEVER... <gnucode>is making fat binaries that will run on Linux, Windows, Mac, FreeBSD, NetBSD, and OpenBSD <gnucode>but as nikolar said, you would have to port cosmo libc to the Hurd. <azert>I suspect what I was proposing would work in many cases <gnucode>I don't know how long it took for us to officially add our glibc stuff to glibc upstream... <gnucode>azert: why don't you try it? Should be too hard to try. :) <nikolar>gnucode: well the differnce is that cosmo libc is mostly a one man job <azert>gnucode: lack of knowledge and time <azert>would probably require a special loader <gnucode>azert: I feel you. But I bet the developers wish some of us dreamers would try to contribute tiny stuff. I find editing the wiki to be really easy! <gnucode>nikolar: do you know how hard would it be to port pledge and unveil to the Hurd? That would be super cool! <nikolar>don't know enough about hurd for that <nikolar>i am not aware of any security mechanisms like that in hurd, so you'd need to implement that too <gnucode>nikolar: I sort of thought that was sort of the point of ports and port rights. You can specify exact permissions of various programs. <gnucode>also are you still thinking about filesystem stuff? <azert>gnucode: searching the mailing list, it was originally an objective to be abi compatible with Linux <gnucode>let me check the wiki...I swear there is a page talking about running linux binaries on linux...