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<damo22>youpi: is SMP required for 64 bit port?
<damo22>or does it run with UP gnumach
<damo22>what is the deb repo for hurd amd64?
<damo22>deb sid main ? but where do i get the apt key
<damo22>debconf: unable to initialize frontend: Dialog
<damo22>debconf: (No usable dialog-like program is installed, so the dialog based frontend cannot be used. at /usr/share/perl5/Debconf/FrontEnd/ line 78, <> line 122.)
<damo22>debconf: falling back to frontend: Readline
<AlmuHS>damo22: we need to update rumpkernel sources to update rumpdisk
<AlmuHS>the latest NetBSD version includes updates in rumpdisk to support Intel's SATA interfaces
<AlmuHS>but in Debian GNU/Hurd there are many patches for rumpkernel, so I need some helpful to check which are necessary and which is needed to update
<AlmuHS>if we get to update rumpkernel with latest NetBSD sources, we can test smp in real hardware
<youpi>damo22: 64bit uses up only for now
<youpi>damo22: the debian-ports archive uses the debian-ports keyring from debian-ports-archive-keyring, whatever the arch
<youpi>we don't need a rumpdisk update to try smp on real hardware, we can just run rumpdisk bound to a single core
<almuhs>youpi: the rumpdisk problem is not only the race condition. It's simply that the Hurd version doesn't support SATA interfaces from Intel, so it doesn't detect the harddisk neither the cdrom
<almuhs>the latest rumpdisk version from NetBSD add drivers for Intel, so this version detect correctly the HDD and CDROM
<almuhs>so we need to update the rumpdisk sources to the latest version, to get that rumpdisk are able to detect the harddisk
<youpi>almuhs: such boards don't support ahci?
<almuhs>the problem is not ahci
<almuhs>is the manufacter
<almuhs>the current rumpdisk in Hurd only support very little manufacters and models
<almuhs>and lacks support for Intel, which is used in most laptops
<almuhs>in the latest commits of some files from rumpdisk, they solve these problems
<almuhs>well, not is exactly lacks support, but the latest commits add patches to solve some detection problems in SATA interfaces from Intel
<almuhs>I tested NetBSD 10 in the same laptops in which Hurd with rumpdisk doesn't detect the disk, and NetBSD 10 detects disk and cdrom properly
<azert>almuhs: if I remember correctly updating netbsd cvs caused a couple of errors due to missing definitions that are stubs on most archs, right?
<almuhs>yeah, i remember
<almuhs>there are some problems with hurd patches too. It's not clear if all patches remains necessary, and if there are any patch which needs to be modified
<azert>We should try to upstream those patches