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<adrian15>I'm just trying to add boot support for GNU/Hurd from Super Grub2 Disk and streaming it live. I think it will quite straight-forward but if I have any questions I'll let you know.
<gnucode>What is Super Grub2 Disk ?
<adrian15>Well, it's like an advanced Grub2 Disk which autodetects your OS kernels and allows you to boot into them. Even if you have grub.cfg deleted or your mbr wiped.
<gnucode>ok pretty cool
<anatoly>I'd say not having mbr is less problem than partion table being wiped off (if you can boot grub or super grub from external media) :-)
<adrian15>You are right. For unwiping partition tables there's gpart (not the same thing as gparted).
<anatoly>I did it once and used some tool to restore patition table, lucky me :-D
<adrian15>What should I name the boot entry? Hurd? Mach? GNU/Hurd? GNU? For now it's just Hurd because I didn't prefix the Linux one with GNU/ because if a kernel and initrd is found it does not imply that the rest of the system might have GNU. But in the case of Hurd... is highly unlikely. Isn't it? Hopefully I'm not opening a can of worms here.
<anatoly>So can super grub help in situation with missing/damaged partition table?
<adrian15>No, unfortunately, it cannot. The most similar thing for that usecase would be Rescatux but you would be using gpart on the cli on your own as you would be able to do in any GNU/Linux Live CD.
<adrian15>The usual usecase if windows reinstallation which in old BIOS removes GRUB from MBR boot part. SG2D lets you boot either by your system's grub.cfg or by finding your kernel+initrd. And... know... also gnumach for Hurd.
<adrian15>*And... now...
<anatoly>potentially it can ship on of such utilities and allow to run it. Like that memtest program.
<adrian15>Well, yes, there's this SG2DISOS partition where you can put some isos which can be loop-booted (if the iso supports it).
<adrian15>But the main purpose of SG2D is to boot onto your system. If you want to go the repair route, well, I have Rescatux for that with a nice GUI for newbies.
<adrian15>If you think there's an usecase that I could add for rescapp (The Rescatux rescue gui) that could be useful for GNU/Hurd go ahead and open an issue or maybe send it to the mailing list.