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<Gooberpatrol66>gnucode's c translator idea sounds more like a makefile translator, because that's what make does, it tracks file modification times and recompiles them if they changed
<Gooberpatrol66>this would just make it do that in realtime
<Gooberpatrol66>if i understand the concept
<Gooberpatrol66>you can probably do this without hurd by calling make with entr
<etno>I don't know if that already exists (it probably does), but: a small trivfs could be set on a disk image, read the partition table and show a file per partition. 🤷
<etno>Another cool one would be to mount a CD-audio and show a set of WAV files by using paranoia.
<etno>Hmmm, that later one would consume an atapi device instead of a file, I am afraid
<jab>hello friends!
<jab>Sergey is live coding! come and watch!
<gnucode>hello friends!
<sneek>gnucode, you have 1 message!
<sneek>gnucode, etno says: well, yes, but you don't want to code CGI handlers in C, right ? 😅
<gnucode>so the Hurd might soon have a caeser cipher! A very trivial translator!
<etno>Here is the link Sergey provided for ceasarfs ->
<oldfashionedcow>gnucode: oh that's exiciting!
<gnucode>oldfashionedcow: he's live coding right now.
<oldfashionedcow>ACTION joins
<gnucode>sounds good!
<gnucode>ok I do have a recording of the talk.
<gnucode>Sergey's audio is pretty bad. But at least we have the recording.
<almuhs>i'm uploading the latest coding jam to youtube
<almuhs>but the recording seems to keep the image freezed in some minutes
<almuhs>jbranso: if you have a recording without freezes, we can combine your recording with my audio
<almuhs>the HD processing has finished. Now you can see the video in 1080p60