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<jab>I created a "dummy" filesystem, but I can't write files to it. <jab>I did have to create a filesystem with "sudo mkfs.etx2 dummy.fs". <jab>apparently mk2fs is not installed by default? <jab>I was able to get it to work with "sudo mkfs.etx2 silly.fs" <jab>but that sort of defeats the purpose of "not needing to be root". :) <gnucode>So it sounds like solid_black is going to live stream his rebasing his hurd glibc patches for arch64 this Saturday June 1st probably at 2pm UTC. Anyone want to join in the live stream? <biblio>gnucode: yes, I would like to join the live stream. <nikolar>i'd like to, though i probably won't make it <gnucode>I'll post the link to the jitsi room probably just before we start streaming. <gnucode>I'll post the link in the #hurd channel obviously. :) <gnucode>oldfashionedcow: anyone can join in! sure! <gnucode>If someone wants to volunteer to record that would be cool too! <gnucode>I'm probably going to send everyone a jitsi link. So you'll just need a modern web browser. Firefox or chromium. <gnucode>odd question. The Hurd has wanted to move to lwip for a while now...what makes that move so hard? Is it because we do not have wireless/ethernet drivers from rump yet? <azert>damo22: any updates with your experimental professional audio drivers? <gnucode>damo22: I would like to create a RFC document that explains your audio plans for the Hurd