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<Gooberpatrol66>there was a grant to make guix shepherd distributed with goblins <Gooberpatrol66>there was a thread on guix-devel where it was suggested to use it to make gnumach ipc distributed <solid_black>Gooberpatrol66: reviving/rewriting netmsg would be exciting indeed <solid_black>...that being said, libpager is (still) not multiuser-ready, in general it's unclear what this could be useful for <Pellescours>Is pfinet and lwip about the same thing but 2 different implementations (ip stack) ? <solid_black>we'd normally call them servers rather than translators <Pellescours>If I want to have network provided by rumpkernels, I need to implement a rumpnet service (like we have for rumpdisk). Except rump network driver libs, do you think it will require more stuff? Or should the code size similar to rumpdisk? <damo22>i couldnt seem to link rumpnet libs <damo22>when i tried to compile a server for rumpnet <damo22>i tried to compile a simple test program that called rump_init() and then opened the /dev/if0 or whatever <Pellescours>damo22: I’m trying to do your example (build simple main linked with rump net). I have 3 methods that are dupplicated (rumpns_ifnet_list rumpns_ifnet_mtx and rumpns_ifnet_pslist) <Pellescours>They are forward declared struct in librumpnet... I’m trying to comment there declaration there and reinstalling rumpkernels to see <Pellescours>In one of the above file, there is missing some extern to prevent the dupplication of symbols <Pellescours>Seeing comments in if.c and how it’s done for ipsec (for example), I think that the extern are missing in the if.c file <Pellescours>Removing the ones in librumpnet (net_stub.c) don’t prevent compilation. I think it’s better to remove them from there. <Pellescours>yay, I was able to compile with net libraries and do a rump_init <Pellescours>damo22: what should I do after the rump_init()? You talked about a open /dev/if0, how should I do that?