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<gnucode>hmmm. I'm probably not knowledgeable enough to help out there.
<white-wolf>ok solid_black
<white-wolf>have a fondation for donation ?
<Pellescours>reminder for me to inspect (and if someone can confirm it’s apparently a bug): check if implementation of proc/info.c:S_proc_getprocargs is correct. The displayed command line for console (in `ps aux`) does not represent the real command line
<Pellescours>example vga appear twice while it should be "vga --font-width=9"
<white-wolf>solid_black, less than 10k line of code considering to a small kernel ?
<white-wolf>any else ?
<white-wolf>what need in fist hurd project ?
<white-wolf>mach is coded in C object oriented ? with what norme of C ?
<white-wolf>what need in first hurd project ? sorry
<white-wolf>there have dvorak international with death key in hurd ?
<Pellescours>white-wolf: yes 10k LoC is small
<Pellescours>hurd need a lot of stuff, drivers to run in userland. the current support is very limited for example
<Pellescours>and bug fixes obviously
<Pellescours>with my recent patch that use libxkbcommon for keyboard layout, dvorak international with dead kzy should be supported, it's just not available yet in debian (unless you compile hurd latest and configure the console command line)
<white-wolf>ok thank Pellescours
<white-wolf>what you want saying by stuff ? developper ?
<white-wolf>ACTION I'm going to run out of tobacco
<white-wolf>ACTION The tobacconist opens at 8 a.m.
<white-wolf>ACTION GMT+2
<Pellescours>by stuff I mean features
<white-wolf>for dev features need dev ?
<white-wolf>ok i have an society project, blues softwares. can pay developpers to add features. it's totaly desinteresed. see i balance my project to hurd, need actualize my wiki
<white-wolf>if you ok with my idear for hurd, when i create my society i pay developpers to add stuff to hurd, peraps support of xeon and risk V 128 bits
<white-wolf>i'm sure that propriarty of xeon processor not use in another kernel
<white-wolf>as too free cisco proc
<white-wolf>don't rememeber her name
<Pellescours>support for proc architecture is done in the kernel (gnumach), i know someone is trying to add riscv support
<Pellescours>and solid_black is adding aarm64 support also
<white-wolf>128 bits or 64 bits ?
<Pellescours>riscv i don't know, probably 64 bits
<white-wolf>aarm64 isn't free hardware ?
<white-wolf>how many developpers you need realy to upon hurd ?
<anatoly>128 bit riscv doesn't exist in hardware and is a matter of distant future
<white-wolf>by humain/year
<white-wolf>i know, a great work to do in quemu
<white-wolf>but risc v is free hardware
<Pellescours>i don't know how many
<damo22>white-wolf: please introduce yourself on the mailing list so our maintainer can discuss with you
<white-wolf>ok depending of my money in my society
<white-wolf>damo22, can you explain more please ?
<white-wolf>i'm on
<anatoly>damo22: he's done it already :-)
<damo22>ah ok
<damo22>sorry i havent read my emails today
<anatoly>that was like few weeks ago
<white-wolf>damo22, an acces to is more easy to speach techinal with dev
<white-wolf>if you havn't my money become to trading activity... i'm futur trader, but i am handicaped too and money don't motive me, juste death proprietary softwares
<white-wolf>havn't problem
<white-wolf>ACTION smoke again, that is was very difficulte to get 8h am
<white-wolf>i'm insomiac
<white-wolf>imagine GNU/Hurd in international space station, or in moon colony
<white-wolf>but need thinking about buisness plan for rentabilize my french society... may be pro version, anonymous version, peraps for nord corean or chinese. or russian. an customer service or else, need think about
<white-wolf>always in GPL licencing
<white-wolf>sorry if my english isn`t correct, i learn only by irc
<white-wolf>damo22, anatoly how can i have acces to ?
<white-wolf>hi Gooberpatrol66
<damo22>white-wolf: we dont use dev-hurd
<white-wolf>use help-hurd ?
<damo22>you are welcome to post on bug-hurd, its a fairly low traffic list anyway
<white-wolf>ok thank
<damo22>white-wolf: the foundation that looks after GNU is called Free Software Foundation
<damo22>it may have philosophies in your language
<white-wolf>what address can use to subscribe by my mail client, please ?
<white-wolf>tu subscribe to
<damo22>one sec
<white-wolf>no problem
<damo22>also the philosophy of the GNU project is here:
<damo22>which language is your native?
<damo22>there is an icon on that page on the top that can change to many languages
<white-wolf>ok damo22 i read, not all but read more, i save the link
<white-wolf>can i do a copy on my wiki ?
<white-wolf>i adder for all
<white-wolf>the donation to the fsf is deductible to the french taxe ?
<Gooberpatrol66>you can see the license for the page at the bottom
<Gooberpatrol66>that will say how you can copy
<white-wolf>ok i will saying
<white-wolf>now need change my wiki main page
<solid_black>yes, less than 10k is a small kernel
<solid_black>linux is many millions lines of code
<solid_black>I'm not going to run tokei, but more than 30M according to a quick web search
<solid_black>most of that is drivers, sure, but not having to put drivers in kernel mode is eactly one of the points of microkernels
<solid_black>anatoly: I haven't pushed into the alpine hurd repo for a while :|
<solid_black>maybe I should go back to that, now that it should be possible to build and run aarch64-gnu
<solid_black>Pellescours: I'm not seeing the 'ps aux' bug? do you have more details?
<solid_black>Pellescours: it's "AArch64", "aarm64" is not a thing :D
<solid_black>it is sometimes (mistakenly) called "arm64", for example in Linux
<solid_black>also it would be great if anyone would help me with this
<solid_black>there's not even that much left to do
<solid_black>as for FSF (and I need to word this very carefully): FSF is certainly directly related to GNU and GNU Hurd, and money donated to FSF will certainly go towards advancing/protecting free software in general, but, I don't think any of that many would go to any of the Hurd developers or contributors
<solid_black>s/of that many/of that money/
<solid_black>SeernityOS Kernel (including AK, but excluding LibDeviceTree, LibEDID, LibELF, LibVT, LibCrypto, LibPartition) is 174 KLoC
<Pellescours>solid_black: if you check the command line of the hurd-console you have "vga vga" instead of "vga --font-width=9", what is strange it’s that the issue only appear for the console process. It seems only to appear for the console
<solid_black>I don't have either vga vga or --font-width=9?
<solid_black> /bin/console --daemonize -d current_vcs -c /dev/vcs -d vga -d pc_kbd --keymap us pc_kbd -d pc_mouse --protocol=ps/2 pc_mouse
<Pellescours>real command line should be "/bin/console --daemonize -d current_vcs -c /dev/vcs -d vga --font-width=9 -d pc_kbd --keymap fr --repeat=kbd -d pc_mouse --protocol=ps/2 --repeat=mouse" while I have "/bin/console --daemonize -d current_vcs -c /dev/vcs -d vga vga -d pc_kbd --keymap fr pc_kbd -d pc_mouse --protocol=ps/2 pc_mouse"
<Pellescours>note that pc_kbd also replace the "--keymap fr" arg
<solid_black>what does the command line look like from inside the console process?
<Pellescours>I just realized, the only arguments replaced are the long form argument (--) of the plugins of the console
<solid_black>are you on i386?
<Pellescours>yes, on debian
<Pellescours>when I add an "echo $DAEMON_ARGS" in /etc/init.d/hurd-console and do a "service hurd-console status" If have the first line
<Pellescours>--daemonize -d current_vcs -c /dev/vcs -d vga -d pc_kbd --keymap us pc_kbd -d pc_mouse --protocol=ps/2 pc_mouse
<Pellescours>err, this line instead
<Pellescours>--daemonize -d current_vcs -c /dev/vcs -d vga --font-width=9 -d pc_kbd --keymap fr --repeat=kbd -d pc_mouse --protocol=ps/2 --repeat=mouse
<solid_black>before declaring it the proc server issue, see what arguments /bin/console actually got
<Pellescours>and "ps aux" display me this args for /bin/console
<Pellescours>--daemonize -d current_vcs -c /dev/vcs -d vga vga -d pc_kbd --keymap fr pc_kbd -d pc_mouse --protocol=ps/2 pc_mouse
<Pellescours>solid_black: what dooes remain to do for aarch64 ?
<solid_black>Pellescours: in gnumach, mainly getting more serious about drivers & device tree
<solid_black>currently things are very basic and somewhat hardcoded for the "virt" machine
<solid_black>if you would build it on your machine, test that it works, that would already be great
<solid_black>so far I know it works for me and azert, but not for luckyluke
<Pellescours>I found the cause of the gibberish I was having. I did not setup the vcs
<anatoly>solid_black I was wondering if you have few more commits/changes which you can push. Not that I'm asking if you've done more work on it
<gnucode>well I should probably start another qoth
<Gooberpatrol66>gnucode: that'd be great, thanks
<gnucode>What's funny is I thought I had started working on it, and apparently not...
<almuhs>hi. I've just find a problem meanwhile i try to install gcc
<almuhs>pruebas@debian-hurd:~$ sudo apt install gcc
<almuhs>Reading package lists... Done
<almuhs>Building dependency tree... Done
<almuhs>Reading state information... Done
<almuhs>You might want to run 'apt --fix-broken install' to correct these.
<almuhs>The following packages have unmet dependencies:
<almuhs> cpp-13 : Depends: cpp-13-i686-gnu (= 13.2.0-23) but it is not going to be installed
<almuhs> cpp-i686-gnu : Depends: cpp-13-i686-gnu (>= 13.2.0-11~) but it is not going to be installed
<almuhs> gcc-13 : Depends: gcc-13-i686-gnu (= 13.2.0-23) but it is not going to be installed
<almuhs> gcc-i686-gnu : Depends: gcc-13-i686-gnu (>= 13.2.0-11~) but it is not going to be installed
<almuhs>E: Unmet dependencies. Try 'apt --fix-broken install' with no packages (or specify a solution).
<youpi>did you try apt --fix-broken install
<almuhs>trying now
<almuhs>ok, solved
<almuhs>i tried to run apt previously from smp mode, and the VM keeps freezed, so maybe it corrupted the installation
<almuhs>oops: pruebas@debian-hurd:~$ gcc hilos.c -o hilos.c -pthread
<almuhs>-bash: gcc: orden no encontrada
<almuhs>solved again
<almuhs>i had to "apt install gcc" after --fix-broken-install
<Pellescours>FYI I noticed that htop does not display the process list anymore. I don’t have time to invest in it
<Pellescours>*in hurd, this works correctly in linux
<almuhs>i have a pending fix: the stat table shows always cpu 0, even when this thread is running in other cpu
<almuhs>gnumach shows the real cpu which is running the process, but must be some error in proc or procfs, that avoid this value will be written correctly in the stat file of the process
<Pellescours>you enabled SMP? Is it stable?
<almuhs>i use the old patch of damo22 which modify the scheduler to be able to run in smp mode
<almuhs>but it not stable. When I make operation which requires intensive using of harddisk, it usually freeze
<Pellescours>Yes, there is a problem, when you stress memory or disk with rumpdisk (not related to SMP)