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<gnu_srs2>Hi, which program/script detects if filesystem partitions are corrupt?
<ahenv>gnu_srs2: may be, "compgen -c" in bash can list all available commands
<gnu_srs2>with a working bootlogd i would have known. Unfortunately it does not work on Hurd :(
<solid_black>signal handling is working!!
<biblio>solid_black: signal handling for aarch64-gnu ?
<azert>solid_black: yay!
<azert>What’s missing now?
<solid_black_>biblio: yes :)
<solid_black>azert: next up: posting the glibc and Hurd patchsets
<solid_black>gnumach, I'm not sure
<solid_black>I can post it as an RFC
<azert>Great news!
<azert>Im sure you also fixed some bugs
<solid_black>the main still-missing thing is being more serious about hardware in gnumach
<solid_black>we should at least get device_read() / device_write() hooked up to UART
<solid_black>and add support for more models of interrupt controllers and UARTs
<solid_black>if you're interested in working on this, please do!
<azert>That would be great. I don’t think you can support the whole ecosystem by yourself. If you have something minimal but working it will be very useful.
<azert>The way I could see myself working on this is to install it on a dev board and filling in the missing bits to make its uart working
<solid_black>oh, real hardware is going to be even more fun
<solid_black>for now I'm running this in qemu-system-aarch64 on a x86_64 host
<biblio>solid_black: glad to hear. :)
<solid_black>which, AIUI, means that I don't get any of the weak memory ordering effects
<solid_black>Mach is going to need some upgrades to start using atomics properly
<azert>We will never know until we try!
<solid_black>do you want to try running aarch64 gnumach in qemu?
<solid_black>I could try to guide you through setting it up, if you want to
<azert>I can try but I need docs
<azert>Please do
<solid_black>le docs, c'est moi :)
<solid_black>(les docs?)
<solid_black>ok, so you need to start by building a cross-toolchain
<solid_black>pick a prefix dir (in my case, PREFIX=~/dev/crosshurd-aarch64), mkdir $PREFIX/{src,include,aarch64-gnu}, ln -s ../include $PREFIX/aarch64-gnu/sys-include, ln -s ../lib $PREFIX/aarch64-gnu/lib
<solid_black>then unpack (git clone) fresh binutils into $PREFIX/src/binutils, and do mkdir build && cd build && ../configure --target=aarch64-gnu --prefix=$PREFIX --with-lib-path=$PREFIX/lib && make && make install
<solid_black>(does that make sense?)
<solid_black>so, uh, tell me when you're done with that, and I'll tell you for to do next
<azert>I’ll get back to you
<gnu_srs2>(09:50:22) gnu_srs2: Hi, which program/script detects if filesystem partitions are corrupt?
<gnu_srs2>(11:36:49) gnu_srs2: with a working bootlogd i would have known. Unfortunately it does not work on Hurd :(
<gnu_srs2>boot sequence: gnumach->grub->/etc/hurd/runsystem.sysv:fsysopts / --update --readonly;exec ${init} ${single} -a; then what??
<solid_black>gnu_srs2: then it's just whatever ${init} is; sysv init on Debian GNU/Hurd
<gnu_srs2>from sysvinit-core
<gnu_srs2>Where does the partition checks come into play?
<azert>solid_black: done that, it worked
<solid_black>add $PREFIX/bin to path, and check that e.g. aarch64-gnu-nm --version works
<azert>Yes, it says
<azert>GNU spartan assembler is installef
<solid_black>2.24, not 2.42?
<solid_black>next up: unpack or clone GCC under $PREFIX/src/gcc, and apply these 3 patches adding aarch64-gnu support:
<solid_black>then configure/make incantation is: ../configure --prefix=$PREFIX --target=aarch64-gnu --with-lib-path=$PREFIX/lib --disable-multilib --enable-languages=c && make all-gcc && make install-gcc
<azert>The patches don’t apply, can you send them using a paste site?
<solid_black>let me try
<azert>Im afraid copying the web page corrupt them
<solid_black>here you go
<solid_black>you should be able to fetch them using the "raw" links without copyin text from the browser
<solid_black>so, did it work?
<azert>The third patch doesn’t apply on gut anymore but I fixed it
<azert>On git, they changed the Linux trampoline
<azert>Hope the new one works too
<solid_black>ok, thanks, I'll rebase it on my end too then, and re-send instead of just pinging them
<azert>gcc is installed on my end
<solid_black>you mean you built and installed aarch64-gnu-gcc?
<solid_black>next up, Mach headers!
<solid_black>cd $PREFIX/src && git clone git:// && cd gnumach && git remote add bugaevc && git fetch bugaevc && git switch -c wip-aarch64 bugaevc/wip-aarch64
<solid_black>autoreconf -i && mkdir build && cd build && CC=gcc ../configure --prefix=$PREFIX --host=aarch64-gnu && make install-data
<solid_black>note the CC=gcc to tell it to not use aarch64-gnu-gcc ust yet
<azert>solid_black: it worked
<solid_black>yay, so you should have various headers now, in particular something about aarch64_thread_state in $PREFIX/include/mach/aarch64/thread_status.h, right?
<ahenv>I don't get (understand) this: <azert> "You can perhaps start by generating an embedding"
<azert>Yes I do
<solid_black>next step is building MIG
<solid_black>cd $PREFIX/src && git clone git:// && cd mig && autoreconf -i && mkdir build && cd build && ../configure --target=aarch64-gnu --prefix=$PREFIX && make && make install
<solid_black>(no patches needed, it just works)
<azert>Should I add $PREFIX/bin to my $PATH?
<solid_black>well actually I guess this is somewhat wrong, because this puts libraries/binaries for the target system with the libraries/binaries of the cross toolchain
<solid_black>haven't caused me any issues so far though
<solid_black>but you could have separate bin/ and cross-bin/ and so on
<azert>Worked for me
<solid_black>so did mig build?
<solid_black>cool, so now you can go back to Mach and actually build it
<solid_black>rm -r build && mkdir build && cd build && ../configure --prefix=$PREFIX --host=aarch64-gnu && make
<solid_black>after that you should have build/gnumach and build/gnumach.elf
<azert>I get an error
<azert>struct per_cpu had no curr_ip’
<solid_black>indeed, I removed curr_ipl ust yesterday
<solid_black>which file is the error in?
<solid_black>oh it is aarch64asm
<solid_black>must be that
<solid_black>there is some issue with the buildsystem, it doesn't see what that file depends on, and doesn't rebuild it when things change
<azert>How do you rebuild it?
<solid_black>no, I mean that's why I haven't seen the error
<solid_black>let me push the fix
<azert>It cannot find libgcc
<azert>How do I export it’s path?
<solid_black>huh, so it does need libgcc, fun
<solid_black>ok, I hoped we could skip that step
<solid_black>no, you don't have libgcc because we haven't built it
<solid_black>let's do that now then
<solid_black>uhh, but you're going to need my glibc patches, and I haven't pushed those
<solid_black>let me set up a github repo I guess
<solid_black>, aarch64-gnu branch, consider using --depth when cloning
<solid_black>azert: ping
<azert>solid_black: I’m tracking your branch
<solid_black>you actually need to install hurd headers first, so I set up a repo for that too
<solid_black>, aarch64 branch
<azert>Tracking that too
<solid_black>autoreconf -i && mkdir build && cd build && CC=gcc ../configure --host=aarch64-gnu --without-parted --without-libcrypt --without-libbz2 --without-libz --without-rump && make no_deps=t prefix=$PREFIX install-headers
<solid_black>that's in hurd/
<solid_black>now, glibc headers
<solid_black>mkdir build && cd build && ../configure --host=aarch64-gnu --prefix= && make install-headers DESTDIR=$PREFIX
<solid_black>that's not a typo, --prefix= (empty string) in configure line
<solid_black>cool, now you should be able to build libgcc
<solid_black>or no, wait, one more thing
<solid_black>touch $PREFIX/include/gnu/stubs.h $PREFIX/lib/ && make csu/subdir_lib && install csu/crt1.o csu/crti.o csu/crtn.o $PREFIX/lib
<solid_black>I don't know what that does or why that is required, don't ask
<solid_black>after that, go back to gcc/build and make configure-target-libgcc && make all-target-libgcc && make install-target-libgcc
<solid_black>after that, go back to gnumach, and hopefully it should link
<azert>file gnumach: Linux kernel arm64
<solid_black>see aarch64/BOOTING
<solid_black>you might want to build mach's self-tests to get some simple userland executables
<solid_black>there's probably some proper way to do it (Luca would know), but I've been just doing make tests/module-{hello,gsync,mach_host,machmsg,mach_port,syscalls,task,threads,vm,thread-state}
<solid_black>you might need to run it twice if it doesn't succeed the first time
<solid_black>after that, for test in gsync hello mach_host machmsg mach_port syscalls task threads vm; do qemu-system-aarch64 -m 1G -machine virt -cpu max -kernel build/gnumach -nographic -append "foo=bar" -device guest-loader,kernel=build/tests/module-$test,bootargs="module-$test "'${host-port} ${device-port} $(task-create) $(task-resume)',addr=0x4000; done is a command that runs all those test one by one
<solid_black>actually not all of them, missing thread-state
<azert>How do I know if they are working?
<azert>I run your command and it seems stuck in qemu
<solid_black>if they print "gnumach-test-success-and-reboot: test module-something exit code 0", it worked
<solid_black>hm, so does it print anything at all?
<azert>How long should it take?
<azert>Yes it doesn’t print anythibg
<solid_black>test-threads sleeps for a few seconds, the others should be instant
<solid_black>lets try to debug it I guess
<solid_black>or, I wonder, could this be dependent on qemu version? I have 8.1.3
<solid_black>could it be that they've changed something about the "virt" machine that I've hardcoded
<azert>8.2.1 over here
<azert>Debian sid
<solid_black>do you know how to use qemu's gdbstub? i.e. -s and target remote
<solid_black>ok, I'll walk you through i
<solid_black>run qemu-system-aarch64 -m 1G -machine virt -cpu max -kernel gnumach -nographic -append "foo=bar" -device guest-loader,kernel=tests/module-$test,bootargs="module-$test "'${host-port} ${device-port} $(task-create) $(task-resume)',addr=0x4000 -s -S, it should output nothing and hang
<solid_black>in another terminal (tab), run gdb, enter "tar ext :1234", then "p $pc", what does that print?
<solid_black>err, I meant to replace $test with hello
<solid_black>qemu-system-aarch64 -m 1G -machine virt -cpu max -kernel gnumach -nographic -append "foo=bar" -device guest-loader,kernel=tests/module-hello,bootargs="module-hello "'${host-port} ${device-port} $(task-create) $(task-resume)',addr=0x4000
<solid_black>-s -S
<azert>Pc is in 0x40000000
<solid_black>right, mine starts there as well
<solid_black>now in gdb, enter "si" 6 times, $pc should jump to 0x0000000040200000 or so
<solid_black>now do symbol-file gnumach.elf -o $pc
<solid_black>and confirm
<solid_black>and you should discover that you're at the very first byte of gnumach
<solid_black>do you know how to use gdb in general?
<azert>We are in _text_start
<solid_black>cool, then you can try stepping, c_boot_entry() is the C-language main
<solid_black>pmap_bootstrap() is what enables MMU and relocates to high memory, see if you make it to there
<solid_black>ok, then: remove-symbol-file $pc
<solid_black>symbol-file gnumach.elf -o 0xffff000040200000
<solid_black>b pmap_bootstrap_misc
<solid_black>err, remove-symbol-file -a $pc
<solid_black>ah, maybe you don't even need remove-symbol-file if you loaded it with symbol-file and not add-symbol-file
<azert>It hangs randomly, give me some time to investigate
<solid_black>if it hangs, Ctrl-C in GDB and bt to see the backtrace where
<solid_black>are you making it past the jump to highmem or not?
<azert>I think it hangs during my setup
<solid_black>in any case, it's a good idea to put breakpoints on Assert, Panic, trap_sync_exc_el1
<azert>Mmu setup
<solid_black>that's possible, yes
<solid_black>on the memset?
<solid_black>put a breakpoint on line 405 or so and see if you ever get there
<solid_black>i.e. where it actually enables the MMU
<solid_black>otherwise, what's the value of phys_ttbr1_l0_base?
<azert>I think I should compile gnumach with -O0?
<azert>It seems to have reordered everything
<solid_black>not necesserily, I'm building with the default of -O2 (I think)
<azert>Im not able to debuh
<azert>It reordered the code
<azert>Maybe it’s jus a limit of mine
<solid_black>well then, sure, try -O0
<solid_black>CFLAGS='-g -O0' when configuring
<azert>When it memset phys_ttbr1_l0_base it segfaulys
<azert>phys_ttbr1_l0_base is 0x48100000
<azert>I cannot disas for some reasons
<solid_black>cannot how, what does it say?
<azert>Cannot access memory at address 0x402244b0
<solid_black>phys_ttbr1_l0_base is 0x48100000 for me too, and that's a valid physical RAM address, there's no reason for it to segfault
<azert>Why I cannot disas the function?
<solid_black>what does p/x $SCTLR print?
<azert>I think I’ll figure out, got to leave! Thanks for the directions I hope others follow too
<azert>That prints 0x2000001004008019
<solid_black>I've got to leave too, but that last bit being set means that MMU is already on
<solid_black>p $pc ?
<azert>Supposedly that memset
<solid_black>0x200001004008019 is indeed what the code is setting SCTLR to
<solid_black>so you must be past that
<solid_black>perhaps indeed some unfortunate reordering
<solid_black>is that with -O2?
<azert>Im afraid so
<solid_black>let me add a "memory" clobber
<azert>It’s -O2
<solid_black>try now?
<solid_black>(meaning, pull, rebuild, & try)
<solid_black>but no, that shouldn't have any effect on it, hm
<azert>Didn’t work, let’s continue the discussion another time !
<azert>After setting ttbr1_el1 it faults at 0x200
<azert>It’s line 405
<azert>Actually the line after that
<azert>I’ll step in
<azert>dsb st
<azert>solid_black: it crash just the instruction after enabling the mmu.. any ideas on how to fix it?
<azert>Is there a way to print sctlr_el1 from gdb?