IRC channel logs
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<azert>Does anyone knows what happened of the libchannel idea? <azert>« one could connect the channel directly to the application. Said application gets the packet buffers mapped directly into its address space and performs protocol processing by way of a user-space library. » sounded like a plan for the Hurd <solid_black>it's amazing how many things can go wrong when you never test it <solid_black>like, whoever wrote this piece of code clearly wanted to support executable stacks, but they got it wrong <Pellescours>it’s a gnumach problem, a glibc problem, a hurd exec server problem? <solid_black>but all of them didn't support executable stacks properly <solid_black>alright! /hurd/startup, userspace-execed, makes it to main :) <solid_black>this is "software PAN" though: if we fault on a userland address while in EL1, I check if there's a recovery handler at this PC, and if not, declare it a PAN failure <almuhs>hi. I have installed Debian GNU/Hurd 2023 with noide in a HDD connected via USB, using Qemu. But, when I boot the system from qemu, I got a getty error that don't found /dev//tty1. I'm searching the file which generated this error path, but I don't found this. Do you know where can I fix it? <almuhs>due to this error, getty doesn't work, so I can't access from ssh. I only have access to the filesystem <almuhs>what have to do to find the origin of the error? <almuhs>/dev/tty2, /dev/tty3... doesn't exists <almuhs>also exists /dev//tty1. It's so strange <solid_black>remount filesystem writable ("fsysopts / --writable") and run "/usr/lib/hurd/setup-translators -k" <solid_black>now reboot ("reboot-hurd") and hopefully things should work <almuhs>the next issue is to fix the harddisk problem <almuhs>when I connect this harddisk to my T410, Hurd doesn't find the HDD unit <almuhs>/etc/default/grub edited to add noide <almuhs>now I go to connect it to my T410 <solid_black>I guess Debian enables all the things needed for rumpdisk out of the box now? <solid_black>this is the same root disk you've just booted qemu from, right? <almuhs>I doesn't know. This is 2023 image, the most recents are buggy <almuhs>i tried to change the unit name, but it doesn't works <solid_black>that does look like rumpdisk starts up, and like ext2fs tries to open wd0 <almuhs>the disk unit in rumpdisk is /dev/wd0, and / is in /dev/wd0s5, if I remember well <almuhs>ok, but doesn't works. I go to try in a older Thinkpad <almuhs>in the R61i the HDD seems be detected fine <almuhs>in R61i, the HDD boots without problems. Then the issue must be a SATA compatibility with the T410 <almuhs>maybe SATA 2 and 3 is not fully supported <almuhs>damo22: have you tested rumpdisk in a T410 or more modern machine? <solid_black>Hurd server bootstrap: ext2fs[rd0] exec startup proc auth. <almuhs>but it's a pretty similar problem than the mine <gnu_srs2>Hello, How do I check / when booted already. Unfortunately recovery mode does not work. <azert>gnu_srs2: I use the Debian install cd <azert>Just to fsck the hard disk and then reboot <gnu_srs2>I can do the checking form Linux for now. Something happened with the usrmerged packages. I don't have that package installed. <gnu_srs2>Which binaries/scripts are involved with booting in recovery mode? Some file is not found during boot, probably solvable by ln -s to /usr. <gnu_srs2>Maybe booting in serial is the only way to find out. <gnu_srs2>The following packages are reverted: cpio dbus debianutils grep init-system-helpers nano netcat sed util-linux <gnu_srs2>youpi: maybe you can help: Which binaries/scripts are involved with booting in recovery mode? Some file is not found during boot, probably solvable by ln -s to /usr. <youpi>probably debianutils grep ini-system-helpers util-linux <almuhs>I continue with problems testing Hurd in real hardware. In my R61i, the Debian's gnumach boots without problem, but the upstream's gnumach shows this error when try to access to harddisk <Pellescours>for some reason piixide has issues, I think even in qemu now, you’ll have issue trying booting in IDE mode <Pellescours>it’s piixide that’s taken, so it’s not running as AHCI <almuhs>as curiosity, I've just set as "compatibility" (IDE mode) and then the kernel detects this fine <Pellescours>oh it’s a bug in rump that’s taking the wrong driver <Pellescours>Not sure but I’m wondering if piixide is broken since the DMA patch <Pellescours>I have some ACPI logs being printed when I run qemu with IDE disk <almuhs>then it's necessary to fix the driver selection <almuhs>by some reason, the Debian's gnumach detects the driver fine <almuhs>the problem is in the upstream version <almuhs>ok, i've just noticed that in Debian's version there are messages of pixide too, in AHCI mode <almuhs>the difference is in Debian's gnumach the system is able to boot although use pixide over AHCI <gnu_srs2>youpi: tks, but all packages I mentioned above were reverted from moving files to /usr?