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<youpi>Pellescours: yay !
<Pellescours>It remove a lot of code :D I tested and all functionnalities are migrated correctly
<Pellescours>My point is for the config, in debian we’ll need to change the /etc/default/hurd-console file to provide config flags. The default variable names for xkbconfig are not the same as the one from x11 (XKBLAYOUT vs XKB_DEFAULT_LAYOUT)
<Pellescours>I don’t know how I should split/merge the commits before sending them. They are cannot really be applied separratly as of now.
<youpi>it's not necessarily to be split, since it'll be basically removing a lot of code and adding some code
<Pellescours>I sent a small one, it’s an simple cleaning. I’ll regroup the other ones and send them too
<damo22>youpi: how do i ensure there are no pending interrupts from outside the handler thread before telling the handler thread to shutdown?
<damo22>do i just thread_abort it
<damo22>you say that at the point where the irq_handler_remove function is called, there should be no more handled
<damo22>i dont know how to make it shutdown clean
<damo22>unless we handle one more interrupt and then shutdown
<youpi>damo22: you can't ensure there won't be some interrupts left, but that's fine, spurious interrupts & wakes are part of computer science :)
<damo22>the handler function is called when there actually is an interrupt to be handled though
<damo22>so why not handle it?
<youpi>you can leave the spurioous interrupt for next time somebody registers an interrupt, that's completely fine
<youpi>you can handle it, but not call the application handler
<youpi>since it might just not be able to be called again any more
<youpi>but again that's completely fine, the app is not driving the hardware any more
<damo22>right i see now
<damo22>so ack is ok
<damo22>but skip the handler part
<youpi>that should be fine yes
<damo22>useless fact for the day: Debugging requires elevated privilege on macOS
<damo22>so will apple make it illegal to possess a debugger one day?
<azert>damo22: I think you’ll have to pay
<damo22>pay to use gdb
<azert>pay to be root, in fact
<damo22>thats insane
<azert>iOS is insane
<damo22>you already have to pay to sign applications
<damo22>so they wil run on macOS
<damo22>but the scary part is when banks make it compulsory to use a phone to do banking
<damo22>so you will need a google/apple account to transact
<azert>It’s very dystopian when a few private entities get disproportionate privileges
<damo22>how do i fight against that??
<azert>I think that taking the proverbial redpill saves people. Not sure it’s valid as a fight
<damo22>i dont know what that means
<damo22>do you mean setting a good example by not using proprietary software?
<azert>What I mean is that primarily one does that to save himself before giving a good example. Giving a good example is harder
<azert>Getting other people onboard is the way to go
<damo22>i have converted a bunch of my family over to GNU/Linux
<damo22>i only use machines that are able to run coreboot
<damo22>its still not enough
<damo22>i am forced to use some proprietary software at work
<damo22>so i have a dedicated laptop just for that
<damo22>at least the OS is GNU/Linux
<gnucode>damo22: how did you convince your family to go to GNU/Linux ?
<damo22>i started to refuse doing tech support for windows/osx and told them i am happy to help if they use GNU systems so they asked me to help them switch
<solid_black>hi all
<solid_black>I've got exciting news, as of yesterday evening, glibc runs on aarch64 gnumach :)
<damo22>does arm64 have more than 1 core?
<solid_black>it sure can, my phone over here has 8 for example
<damo22>so we need smp soon
<solid_black>but I haven't bothered with SMP support in aarch64 gnumach for now
<damo22>i386 smp support should be generalised so other arches can slot in
<damo22>there is model dependent code but its not all in exactly one place
<damo22>it would be sad if people implemented it as an addon in a messy way and then someone would need to rewrite it
<damo22>solid_black: does aarch64 have ACPI to detect pci routing? does it have HPET?
<damo22>i dont know how things fit together
<damo22>solid_black: we need a way to udelay() reliably on every ISA and a way to detect devices on every ISA
<damo22>on i386 that boils down to HPET for udelay() and ACPI for detecting interrupt IOAPIC/LAPIC setup
<damo22>for smp we need to know how many cores, how to enable them etc
<damo22>and interrupt settings
<solid_black>damo22: aarch64 itself is just a CPU instruction set, systms/boards based on it vary widely
<solid_black>some (higher-end) ones have ACPI yes
<solid_black>what's HPET, a timer? it does have some built-in timer, and it can have external ones
<solid_black>is udelay() just an in-kernel sleep function? what's the complication about that, why wouldn't we have that?
<solid_black>on lower-end (embedded, phones, laptops) systems, which is what we're targeting with aarch64 so far, there may not be ACPI (or maybe there is, I don't know), but there is the device tree
<solid_black>which is how we discover interrupt controllers (and everything else)
<solid_black>or at least how we're supposed to do it, we're not quite there yet :|
<solid_black>yes, the number of cores and so on can be discovered via the device tree too
<solid_black>linux supports booting with either device tree or acpi
<solid_black>"64-bit ARM world has largely converged on two competing standards: UEFI + ACPI (largely used by servers running Windows or Linux), and the ARM64 Linux boot protocol + DeviceTree (used on smaller systems, and also supported by U-Boot and more)", from
<solid_black>arm64 linux boot protocol + device tree is what I'm targeting with gnumach
<damo22>(07:07:16 PM) solid_black: is udelay() just an in-kernel sleep function? what's the complication about that, why wouldn't we have that?
<damo22>Yes, on x86 there are many ways to get a timer, but most of them are unreliable or difficult to calibrate
<damo22>that is why i chose the HPET
<damo22>its present on every x86 with ACPI since circa 2005
<damo22>sleep function, not a timer
<solid_black>aarch64 has a built-in clock in the CPU
<solid_black>on qemu virt here, it ticks at 62500000 ticks per second
<solid_black>you can ask it to generate an interrupt after a number of ticks
<damo22>ok that makes it much easier
<damo22>on x86 every timer is variable
<damo22>except pit
<solid_black>wdym variable?
<damo22>every model has a different rate
<solid_black>yes, the rate is going to be different here too
<solid_black>62500000 is just the value I get on qemu virt
<damo22>but no devicetree to tell you the freq
<solid_black>ah, I see
<damo22>at least HPET has a register that tells you the rat
<Pellescours>youpi: this patch is not compatible with crossbuild as it hardcode "mig" instead of using "$MIG"
<youpi>oh, right, I had copied the rule from the orig tarball
<solid_black>...setting current thread's state cannot be just thread_set_state(mach_thread_self()) after all
<solid_black>because we have to support self port interposing (for rpctrace)
<solid_black>and without a valid receive port to wait for a reply on, thread_set_state() would return when mach_thread_self() is not the real thread port, which would break things
<solid_black>so it has to be an actual syscall
<solid_black>probably doesn't have to be aarch64-specific either
<Pellescours>youpi: I have a strange behavior with console arg parser. When the last argument for KBD is --variant then the parser says "Too many non option arguments" but if I invert order and put --layout as last argument, the console start correctly
<Pellescours>actually only one order is correctly recognized
<Pellescours>nevermind, there was a typo in variable so a value was provided but empty
<damo22>youpi: how do we do spin_lock_irqsave() in a userspace driver?
<damo22>in fact, inside an interrupt handler
<youpi>you don't :)
<youpi>why do you want to?
<youpi>is it inside rumpkernel?
<youpi>or something else?
<youpi>basically the equivalent is to disable the irq (as your libirqhelp supports) and take a mutex
<youpi>(spin locks in userland are most often a no-way)
<damo22>im trying to map out what is required for hurdsound
<damo22>the ALSA internal api is not too bad
<damo22>there is a bunch of function pointers i can wrap all the drivers up into a pcm streamer
<damo22>and implement it as a jack backend
<damo22>eg intel8x0.c
<damo22>in sound/pci