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<damo22>youpi: sorry that i cant run the CI on my own box currently, my internet is flaky <damo22>and i am also trying to port hurd to this box <youpi>Runner registered successfully. <youpi>I don't know if that means it only recorded the config or it did try to connect <youpi>I don't see it along the instance runners yet <Pellescours>Hey hurd, I made some work to switch console client from x11lib to xkbcommon. Basically this mean that it uses directly the files provided by xkeyboard-config and so new layout/variant are automatically supported. <Pellescours>It’s still work in progress, it need the actions to be re-implemented and the keyboard config to not be hardcoded <Pellescours>I have concerns about the keyboard config. The current configuration system won’t work anymore (removal of --keymapfile and change of values taken for config). <Pellescours>More the debian configuration seems to be invalid for some variant, for example the dpkg-reconfigure set variant (for bepo 1.2) to "afnor" while the value should be "bepo_afnor). I don’t know if it’s a bug of the configuration options or if it’s just an incompatibility <Pellescours>actually forget about my last message, It’s me that choosed the wrong entry when doing "dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration"