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<youpi>etno: will show you how well it passed on the buildds. Possibly you have an additional packages that enables some feature in vim that triggers bugs. You'd have to build in a clean chroot to reproduce the buildd build situation
<etno>youpi: makes sense. gdb at least is one example, as it enables termdebug
<damo22>youpi: if the default will be to read xattr translator records, should the order of priority of the records be swapped when you change the option?
<damo22>currently, the code always prefers to read legacy translator records
<damo22>ie, if you add a xattr record it will remove the legacy one and write a new one, but if you dont use xattr, it will always try the legacy one first, fail, and then read the new one
<youpi>it does not really matter if we clear one when writing the other
<damo22>If xattr is supported by this filesystem, check for new translator record regardless of flag to use it or not (?)
<youpi>so the migration is soft
<youpi>otherwise there's a flag day, nobody wants a flag day
<damo22>ive made a small change and tested it
<damo22>i changed default to use xattr and added --no-xattr-translator-records
<damo22>which gives old behaviour
<damo22>and checked with debugfs
<Pellescours>why not do dual write for migration ? wrtiting the old os field AND the xattt gnu.translator at the same time during the migration period ? like this whenever user disable xattr, the old attr is still existing
<youpi>it's usually a bad thing to duplicate information
<damo22>maybe we can soft launch, and if nothing goes wrong, in the next release we can ship a script that renews all of the translator entries?
<damo22>like a post hook or something
<damo22>Pellescours: the code is already set up to deduplicate them
<damo22>once irqhelp gets merged, i can deduplicate the code in pci-userspace / ddekit
<damo22>youpi: bus_addr_t is unsigned long in rump api, does that work on PAE / 64 bit?
<damo22>i think some address is being truncated to 32 bits in rump when it tries to map some memory
<damo22>testing a change i made locally
<damo22>damn i broke it
<youpi>damo22: there's a patch in the debian package to fix that
<damo22>youpi: "PAE" ?
<damo22>im not sure that fixes it entirely
<youpi>I just know it does work for 64bit
<youpi>but for 32bit we are not supposed to use >4G physical pages, drivers won't support that
<damo22>is there any harm using a non-PAE gnumach with rumpdisk + PAE
<damo22>somehow the AHCI probe is failing on my amd box with i386 and PAE patch, it fails at pci_mapreg_map()
<damo22>rumpcomp_pci_map(unsigned long addr, unsigned long len) <--- is addr always <4G for pci space on i386?
<youpi>most probably