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<biblio>hi damo22, solid_black: I am trying to run hurd 32-bit by using cross-hurd script. I was able to build image. But after booting I am getting "piixide0:0:0: lost interrupt" Do you have anyother custom build script or how are you building hurd from sources.
<solid_black>hi biblio
<biblio>solid_black: hi
<solid_black>is that rumpdisk?
<biblio>solid_black: yes. it has rumpdisk.
<solid_black>on i386 when building from source, I'm either building with in-Mach disk drivers, or ramdisk, or using Debian's rumpdisk
<biblio>solid_black: oh ok. I will keep in mind. Thank for the tips.
<solid_black>(does that answer your qeustion though?)
<biblio>solid_black: Yes.
<solid_black>how's your risc-v progress?
<solid_black>(so nothing new since last week?)
<biblio>solid_black: not yet. I read few architecutre guides and I am trying to learn more about hurd 32-bit startup process. will continue with risc-v.
<damo22>biblio: use AHCI SATA not ide
<damo22>i think you can change disk controllers to be ahci by default with -M q35
<biblio>damo22: it worked. with -M q35
<biblio>damo22: thanks
<solid_black>biblio: do you mean *Hurd* (i.e. userland) startup, or Mach startup?
<solid_black>feel free to ask me questions about the former
<solid_black>as for the latter (Mach startup), I can tell you about hardware-independent things (or aarch64 specifics ;), damo22 and Samuel would be the ones to ask about x86 specifics
<biblio>solid_black: I think it is Hurd startup issue. Sure, I will ask. I built (3 modules loaded but not starting) - trying to figure it out (for learning only.)
<damo22>biblio: maybe you are missing a task-resume
<solid_black>can you post the code? ( also if this is related to pci / rump, then that too would be damo22's territory
<biblio>solid_black: risc-v devs actually submitted code in linux kernel without discussing much details in document like x86.
<biblio>solid_black: i am using as base example. (it may not be complete) module /lib/ exec /hurd/exec
<biblio>damo22: I did task-resume. But i will check, I think I missed something.
<solid_black>this is an ok example, yes, but note that it's using ramdisk, not rumpdisk, and also ramdisk support is not in gnumach upstream, it's a Debian downstream patch
<solid_black>(which Flavio also applies, see
<biblio>solid_black: yes
<solid_black>I've got a WIP "vm-object-create" patchset that achieves the same in a less hacky / much better way
<solid_black>biblio: but the log you posted definetely indicates you're running rumpdisk, not ramdisk?
<biblio>solid_black: there are two. one - with uses rump disk. It worked after I added -M q35.
<biblio>solid_black: another one - i am just runing to learn about interneals without rumpdisk.
<solid_black>I see
<biblio>solid_black: rumpdisk issue solved. Now, just trying to figure out why - i the task is not starting after I boot with img created with initrd. let me reproduce now.
<damo22> this looks reasonable
<biblio>damo22: that is used for with rump it worked 100%
<biblio>damo22: uses grub.initrd*
<solid_black>biblio: unfortunately, the current boot process has many issues, one of them being that if things go wrong, there's not a lot of (read: none) info on *what* went wrong
<damo22>-T device rd0
<damo22>that should probably be -T device:rd0
<solid_black>"-T device" means "type is device", "rd0" is the actual spec of what to open (device named rd0, in this case)
<solid_black>you might be thinking of -T typed device:rd0
<biblio>solid_black: damo22: but in general cross-hurd helped me a lot to understand internals.
<biblio>solid_black: damo22:
<solid_black>cross-hurd helped me a lot too, to figure out how to bootstrap and cross-compile things
<damo22>biblio: it has prompt-task-resume
<biblio>solid_black: damo22: I also tried to task-resume but same output. tasks are not loaded.
<damo22>you need to press a key
<biblio>damo22: I did but nothing happening.
<solid_black> -T devi) <- that looks wrong?
<biblio>solid_black: let me check
<damo22>its truncated from a com port console
<damo22>last char gets overwritten
<biblio>damo22: solid_black: I am using a remote machine to run. so I am running console=com0
<biblio>solid_black: this is the base grub
<solid_black>biblio: does it hang just there at "3 multiboot modules"?
<biblio>solid_black: yes
<solid_black>try with more RAM
<solid_black>(seriously though, try with more RAM)
<damo22>-m <MiB>
<solid_black>yeah from that vm_page output, looks like you only have very little RAM (31M?)
<solid_black>try -m 1G
<solid_black>that being said, we should try to handle this better; for one thing Mach could try to map the GRUB-loaded ELFs into the bootstrap tasks directly, without doing a copy
<solid_black>this would both be faster (no need to copy), and handle low-mem situation better
<damo22>solid_black: how is your vm patch
<damo22>regarding the deadloc
<solid_black>haven't done anything about it yet :|
<biblio>solid_black: task loaded: ext2fs --multiboot-command-line=console=com0 worked :D
<solid_black>too busy doing exciting aarch64 stuff
<biblio>solid_black: damo22: thanks for both of your help.
<damo22>solid_black: what was wrong with the commit? just the commit message?
<solid_black>the commit message should have given a long-ish context / explanation of what's going on, but also I kind of changed my mind about only supporting a single entry
<solid_black>because it should be possible to support multiple entries without using alloca
<solid_black>by only copying out the first and the last entries; no "well-behaved" code should touch the entries in the middle
<damo22>you could just submit it as is with a simple explanation in the message right?
<solid_black>no point in submitting it while Samuel is afk anyway
<damo22>then you can follow up with more if you wish
<damo22>where are we at with smp
<damo22>isnt that exciting for you anymore?
<solid_black>it certainly is exicting
<solid_black>it's possibly the most practical improvement happing in the Hurd-land in a long time
<solid_black>x86_64 didn't change that much, no matter how exciting that wat; yes we now use a different instruction set, so what
<damo22>the sooner we get this to boot with smp the sooner we can make it default
<solid_black>SMP will magically make everything like 8 times as fast
<solid_black>yes, sure -- so what's the current blocker about SMP boot?
<damo22>im not sure, something in netdde and possibly another vm bug
<damo22>the nic doesnt get assigned an IP and hangs
<damo22>if i ctrl-z it kills that and boots to a shell mostly
<damo22>but if i revert pset pinning and apply my old scheduler patch, i get a vm fault
<solid_black>wait, what you just said about it mostly booting to the shell -- was that not without pset pinning?
<damo22>that was without pset pinning too yes
<damo22>i meant, without pset pinning AND apply my old patch ....
<solid_black>what's the old patch about?
<damo22>it removes dispatching direct to idle processors
<biblio>damo22: sometimes it is hard to understand what is pending for i386 and x86_64 - is it up-to-date ?
<damo22>forces things to go back on a runq
<solid_black>biblio: the wiki is never up to date :|
<damo22>because i was seeing runqs getting starved of threads
<biblio>solid_black: :(
<damo22>so i thought dont worry about scheduling to idle processors, just put more threads on runqs
<biblio>damo22: recently - i learned about x86 architecture. Now, I have theoritical knowledge of x86. But it is hard to understand where fix is needed for x86.
<damo22>biblio: x86 has support in gnumach, we have done a lot of work in the last 12 months to make more modern features just work
<damo22>eg, HPET timers, ACPI v2
<biblio>damo22: thats nice. Just asking is there anything pending. like writing test code, etc.
<damo22>and the SMP stuff
<solid_black>biblio: there's always lots to do
<solid_black>are you looking for gnumach tasks specifically, or anywhere in the Hurd?
<damo22>biblio: currently, we have issues with smp because the boot process hangs if you run a full SMP system
<biblio>solid_black: mainly gnumach but if needed hurd will be also fine.
<damo22>but we have been able to isolate the master cpu to a separate processor set, and put all the remaining cpus into a different set
<biblio>damo22: I can use your SMP branch to reproduce it ? or do you have any document to test.
<damo22>biblio: yes, i can send you my branch link
<biblio>damo22: ok
<damo22>its basically master plus a few patches, and the last patch reverts the processor set pinning
<damo22>so you can test without that patch
<biblio>damo22: should I test by building and replacing gnumach in exiting i386 or I should use cross-hurd and build everything ? How are you testing locally.
<damo22>i test with a debian system
<damo22>and try to boot with and without pset pinning (top patch)
<biblio>damo22: -kernel option in qemu ?
<damo22>no a full debian system
<damo22>because we are trying to debug what is wrong with boot
<damo22>using smp
<biblio>damo22: I mean you are using and put newly build gnumach with your patch ?
<damo22>i have a debian install on a separate disk and use -hda /dev/sdd for example
<biblio>damo22: ok
<damo22>or you can pass it a file
<biblio>damo22: "Installing Debian/Hurd with QEMU using the Debian installer"
<damo22>biblio: you can download eg the latest disk image from the topic
<damo22>and boot that
<damo22>then install gnumach.gz into /boot and update-grub
<biblio>damo22: clear
<damo22>i usually develop everything inside my hurd install
<damo22>so im not leaving much except to reboot and test
<damo22>(the vm)
<biblio>damo22: ok. I want to be clear. I could not use cross-compiler to compile (in Debian Linux) due to old gcc (gcc without hurd patch). So, I use cross-hurd to build everything to compile.
<biblio>damo22: are you compiling inside hurd or using cross-compiler ?
<damo22>compiling inside hurd
<biblio>damo22: ok I will try.
<damo22>you need accel=kvm
<solid_black>fwiw, I am using a cross-toolchain setup
<damo22>or its too slow
<solid_black>that is somewhat similar to cross-hurd
<damo22>-M q35,accel=kvm
<solid_black>to cross-compile from my host (x86_64 GNU/Linux) to {i386,x86_64,aarch64}-gnu
<damo22>i use native i686-gnu
<damo22>biblio: you need to make a build dir and then enter it and ../configure --enable-ncpus=8 --enable-apic --enable-kdb --disable-linux-groups
<biblio>damo22: noted
<damo22>then when you reboot into your smp system you need to add "-smp X" where X is the number of cores you want to enable
<biblio>damo22: ok
<damo22>on the qemu command line
<biblio>damo22: ok
<damo22>if you use my fix-smp branch as is, it will hang at network
<biblio>damo22: I will check
<damo22>you can ctrl-z to skip networking if its hung
<biblio>damo22: noted. It would be great if you make a wiki page so others can also test :)
<damo22>wiki page? where would i put it
<biblio>damo22: I use emacs org mode for my notes - and put
<biblio>damo22: just an example
<biblio>damo22: or something like that
<damo22>i suppose i could yes
<damo22>but it would be better to unify the docs
<biblio>damo22: or a README in your branch. which you can skip while submitting as patch.
<biblio>damo22: I think you might know this project - - you can use sound wave to debug.
<damo22>etno: web$ cat user/zhengda/howto.mdwn this explains how to start a subhurd and route net packets to the host hurd
<etno>damo22: I shall have a look !
<solid_black>hi etno!
<etno>solid_black: o/ :-D
<biblio>solid_black: just one question "cross-toolchain" are you applying patches for gcc hurd specific patches manually ?
<solid_black>I don't have any hurd-specific gcc patches, other than for aarch64
<biblio>solid_black: ok
<solid_black>which patches do you have in mind?
<biblio>solid_black: no for cross-hurd I saw - it applied several pactches before compiling. So, I was just wondering if you also apply these patches manually.
<solid_black>I think at least some of those patches are already upstream
<biblio>solid_black: ok
<solid_black>and I am using some Hurd-specific patches for GCC in the Alpine-based distro
<azert>I’m probably going to say something inappropriate.. damo22: sometime with Debian Hurd it hangs at networking just due to ext2 corruption
<azert>I fix that by rebooting into the installer and running e2fsck
<azert>Probably not what you are experiencing but worth mentioning, since looking at the logs it’s not obvious at all that it’s an easy fix when that happens
<biblio>damo22: "Debugger invoked: panic" (I set $ git reset HEAD~1 on your change)
<biblio>damo22: -smp 4 error I pasted. -smp 2 is showing "start acpi acpi pci rumpdisk..."