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<gnucode>I didn't know that printf is turing complete! <danmorg>the the microkernel in the Hurd have kernel threads - and in the kernel? or are the threads only in user mode? <azert>danmorg: I don’t think gnumach is preemptible or have kernel thread. I believe it has continuations. OSF Mach threads were notably redesigned so that it would be preemptible with kernel threads. I think it’s important for them since they run services in kernel space, for the Hurd im not so sure it makes any big difference <azert>Why would anyone need kernel threads in a microkernel design? <danmorg>azeem: i was only curious. just trying to understand how threading works in a microkernel <danmorg>or i should say - an OS that is based around a microkernel <danmorg>oops. i mean azert. sorry. but looks like azert left. <ids1024>A lot of things that would be kernel threads on Linux would probably be userspace processes on a microkernel OS like Hurd. <youpi>to a fair extent, threads are simpler to program than continuation <youpi>damo22: is your gitlab-runner box quite slow? <youpi>the build on exodar is about 1h <youpi>on your box 4h wasn't enough <damo22>Model name: AMD GX-217GA SOC with Radeon(tm) HD Graphics <damo22>its a HP T620 thin client with coreboot installed <damo22>it has two cores but im running hurd on one <damo22>im not using it for anything else <damo22>it almost boots natively with hurd, but i cant see the log of rumpdisk, to see why hdd is not detected <damo22>it has a physical serial port, maybe i should connect it and try to extract logs